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Mekmong MICK

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  1. The missus wanted a movie night last night so I suggested we watch the Hangover II due to it being set in Thailand (my girlfriend is a local). Well, didn't this suggestion go down like a lead balloon. She went on to say how Thai people are ashamed at how their country is portrayed and it makes them look to be an impoverished sex-riddled land of no laws and corruption. It doesn't portray the joyful sensitive side of Thailand and the land of a million smiles. She also said it was disrespectful how they caught a speed boat from Bangkok to Phuket at the end without even a gps to navigate. Similar to this, Borat brought great national shame to Kazakhstan and its a crime to even watch the movie there, I think you can get 10 years imprisonment. It didn't showcase the true country and people and made the locals look like hillbilly plonkers. As an Aussie, self depreciating humour is part of our culture so I totally missed the insensitivities when watching the Hangover II. But on reflection, I do see where the missus is coming from. What do others think and is the Hangover II the Thai equivalent of Borat for local Thais?
  2. Look if you're going to sook at me I want contribute further to this eyesore of a thread. And I don't need to read books, I'm already extremely successful
  3. Bit of a melty thread and I didn't bother reading beyond the first few lines. But I have encountered prejudice and bias when I was mistaken for a western sex tourist at bars. I recieved many dirty looks and felt slightly awkward
  4. Don't tag me alias minnow flog. I don't know who you are and Hua Hin isn't crime riddled
  5. They're hand crafted, it's the same as craft beer. The recipe hasn't changed in the hundred or so years they've been produced. XXXX, Swan bitter, West End, Cascade, Tooheys etc are all generic mass production beers
  6. Yeah I'm not a sex tourist like the majority around here so wouldn't know. I've seen it in pubs but would rather by it per slab
  7. It's called being kind you monger and it's why I was the number 1 dent repairer in the southern suburbs 7 years in a row
  8. I'm really highly rated. One of the local plebs at the hotel scratched his scooter. I was able to repair it without paint with a kettle and plunger. I'm probably the most popular Westerner bloke within a 2 mile radius where I am right now
  9. I'm mates with a few locals too and can handle them easily
  10. I want to clear a few things up; A) it's not a troll post. Unlike a lot here, I've travelled extensively across the world and I wouldn't wear a rolex down the Ramblas in Barcelona, Champ D L'Eseey in Paris or times square in LA. It's well known these places are prime targets for pickpocketers B) many of you wished to engage me about my watch rather than my question around my safety. This attempt to derail my thread adds zero value and makes for a rather dull backwards and forwards retort fest. I also posted a photo of my watch which demonstrates this was not a troll but a well meaning thread which I am sure others lucky enough to own a rolex would ask themselves C) to those who did contribute, thank you. I will take no further comments
  11. Agreed overpriced although the craftsmanship is elite. Their unaffordability is what makes them so desirable to the masses who can't afford
  12. I don't bother adjusting the date; when you're retired like me all the days blend into one lol
  13. Oh yes but it's not about affording, it's my personal taste. I could afford to bath in Moet but prefer water
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