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  1. Yeah, just like Biden's Secretary of War getting surgery and not telling anyone. Wallow in it.
  2. Encryption is so easy on all platforms. I am always astonished by how many criminals don't encrypt their data. Perhaps the most prominent example of a criminal is Hunter Biden, who, with a few clicks, could have encrypted the MAC laptop from hell but didn't. I'll give you another reason to encrypt anything: It is impossible to plant evidence on an encrypted drive.
  3. Did you step off the airplane into Thailand or just fly over?
  4. When Thailand stops poisoning the people with filthy air 4 months out of the air, you might get closer to claiming the quality of life is better here.
  5. No one in a school assumes. Do you smoke recreational weed?
  6. Do you "actually," think I made such a statement?
  7. I provided no evidence to the school.
  8. I also never had a problem enrolling him in Thailand. Stop the scaremongering.
  9. Total nonsense. My son, who is almost 18, got his LAST vaccination at 9 months. I never had a problem enrolling him in school, in the USA.
  10. I don't understand. Didn't he get a Royal Pardon?
  11. 11 years in a Thailand immigration Prison, and they have assurances from the Chinese. Yeah, most of us would take that bet. I'm not sure which was worse. Out of the frying pan and sent into the fire. Great choices.
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