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  1. Try applying online ๐Ÿค”
  2. Yes, they did Obviously That is part of the problem*
  3. Even CNN is now fully engaged in feeding frenzy and msn carrying water. Getting Worse For The Presidentโ€™: CNNโ€™s John King Says Democrats Fear Trump On Track For Blowout 330 Electoral Vote Win I hope he stays in https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/getting-worse-for-the-president-cnn-s-john-king-says-democrats-fear-trump-on-track-for-blowout-330-electoral-vote-win/ar-BB1q6ETn
  4. Elon Musk despite having tranny son has had his fill of DEI insanity and is uprooting SpaceX from CA and moving to TX. That makes two That's a lot of taxes and jobs. Let us hope Newsome is presidential pick. https://thefederalist.com/2024/07/17/elon-musk-will-move-corporate-headquarters-for-x-spacex-to-texas-over-california-trans-law/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=elon-musk-will-move-corporate-headquarters-for-x-spacex-to-texas-over-california-trans-law
  5. https://mishtalk.com/politics/538-predicts-biden-wins-nate-silver-has-trumps-odds-of-winning-at-72-percent/
  6. Who woulda thunk it? FIFTY percent blacks. https://mishtalk.com/politics/65-percent-of-democrats-now-want-biden-to-drop-out/
  7. Joe Biden has yet again tested positive for COVID. He has unsurprisingly self quarantined himself to his basement in Delaware. This is the third time his immunosuppression system has broken down and impacted by the cold/flu. No word on anyone around him testing positive. Not to worry. Joe has lots of Depends, The Cartoon Network, the Studio Ghibli archive on Netflix and the soothing comfort of attending physician DR Jill. With four months left for campaigning Joe is once again hiding in his basement which he told reporters was his 'bat cave'. No report on how long Biden will remove himself from responsibilities of governing the nation and the campaign trail
  8. Again, the name calling. I'm really asking everyone to stop associating people that want to select R on the ballot instead of D are cultists. It's Fing nonsense We understand the deal with the devil. We're ok with it because four more years of Biden will ruin the USA. If you don't believe that - fine. There is absolutely no good reason to vote for Biden. There never was. On top of all that he is ahead of a crime family in that possesses 172 LLCs and something like 250 bank accounts. He and Hunter were in Ukraine and China. Biden / Dems are running on absolutely nothing. I find it extremely disingenuous. Vote for me or get TRUMP! FU. Back to covid. I find Trump partially at fault. He's no man of science to be sure. I think he got very bad advice in panic from deep state. It won't happen again. The entire COVID era was a disaster for humanity. Every person that was pro mask/vax may live long with that scarlet letter. May we never forget. People will be dying from that Fing vax forever more. I bet some TV members have long COVID, health permanently damaged and even dead. Meanwhile, doctors spoke truth to power and were essentially disappeared. Let's just tone it down. Very intelligent people, MORE intelligent than YOU will cast their vote gladly for Trump. They are not stupid or brainwashed cultists
  9. Trump will get out of Ukraine and fast. That will stop the hemorrhaging of tens of billions. I don't disagree, but the financial chaos, inflation must be dealt with. Inflation must be brought under control. As for Israel - the slaughter has run it's course, Trump will seek and get some sort of peace. I'm not saying peace deal. If not it becomes more serious. Yes, unfortunately Trump is every bit AIPA C simp as Biden. The migrant issue will be sorted quick. I have always seen both sides as the problem. The first vite I ever cast was for an independent candidate. What I'm hoping for is that he brings on an absolute cracking, all star cabinet and he goes golfing. House and Senate to Republicans. I dislike the fakers too just not as much as all the BS Dems have wrought upon the country for decades. It's gonna be a Reagan landslide. People are hurting and they are pissed.
  10. No, he just monitors their internet traffic and has them arrested ๐Ÿ‘ Lol COVID was one massive deception from Biden to every tenticle of his government. Biden crime syndicate??
  11. So weak. C'mon put it up. You called a president of the United States insane I expect you to provide some positive evidence. If not you should be banned for a week It's illegal to spread disinformation in Thailand I would like to remind you
  12. And your basis in fact for this is what? Nothing. Just whining
  13. More gaslighting Kremlin Maga (name calling) Totally manufacturered lies propagated by Hillary Clinton. You are aware of this right? The fine/s? The guilt.
  14. More hyperbolic vitriol from the self appointed board nanny. Insane Cultists It's just marketing hype, you know it - but if it's scary for you maybe grab a teddy bear and some diapers. Biden has plenty he can loan you. Just ask DR Jill
  15. That the WSJ used to be US paper of record and along with the Washington Post is now nothing more than a hack Democratic/ DEI propaganda outlet. COVID+ Trump really dark days for these rags. WSJ has had to fly a bit straighter (555 pun intended bc NYC so gay ๐Ÿ˜‚). Now, deep state directives and dark pools of money has directed it to savage Biden. Both are losing money hand over fist.
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