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Everything posted by OneManShow

  1. Ask water company the cost for a new water-meter then decide which is better deal.
  2. https://itap1.for.irs.gov/owda/0/investigate/WhoMustFile_ITA/en-US/ScreenOrder~Main~qs%247a03ad32-ff39-4de9-98b9-5ab40555cd12%24global%24global if you answer all questions you can easily find it if you are not required to file a tax return. (IRS website) move been doing this for 10 years.
  3. You need to go to different office. Tax offices have different idea about tax. Some very nice and helpful even though they have not much information regarding farang tax and some just don't care. In my case, I was told that I'm not required to pay tax for US SS. And the extra that I transferred to Thailand was less than 120,000.
  4. They no need trouble makers and those groups who love keeping war alive for receiving help (cash) from world Muslims. no war no cash💰.
  5. i talked to a tax office and they asked me a few questions about my income and transfers then told me that I need to file a tax return and Im not required to pay tax. I got a copy of my "Benefit Verification Letter" from SS website and a copy of "You are not required to file a tax return" from IRS website (tax office asked me if I file tax return in the US).
  6. Perhaps that was a consulate letter. They were valid for a year. I was surprised when I used it for new bank accounts and could use it for months for drivers license years ago.
  7. Believe it or not local tax office gave me 2019 91 form and said it hasn't changed. this is 91 https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/230367PIT91.pdf
  8. It seems this one needs to be filled by you. no date https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/220367PIT90.pdf
  9. I copied a wrong form link, I replaced it with correct form
  10. Is this the form that unemployed expats need to file ? https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/download/english_form/2023/220367PIT90.pdf
  11. That could be a future problem for expats as it has been mentioned in the tax guide provided by an AN post. I was told the same at a tax office, however the big boss of the office had no clue regarding foreign tax return and how DTA works. I was advised by the head, file but don't pay any tax since you are from DTA country.
  12. You need to have some supporting documents (perhaps bank statement that shows that the fund source is from your existing savings before end of Dec 2023).
  13. I thought perhaps these duc will be useful for those who are from "double tax treaty" countries. https://www.rd.go.th/fileadmin/user_upload/lorkhor/newspr/2024/FOREIGNERS_PAY_TAX2024.pdf https://www.rd.go.th/english/38361.html
  14. Save important files on an external drive, reset your laptop to factory condition. If you still have an issue buy a new one or if you are not sure what the problem is just take it to a shop for estimate.
  15. I did it. My birthday is in Dec. (expired in Dec). I renewed it in early Jan, I got almost 6 years.
  16. Is this a FORD Granada ? I guess
  17. BMW 2002 tii 1974 it was an amazing car in 70s. Girls loved i. 😁 (that is not my car photo, but it was the same as this and same color)
  18. Always next day, $1000, 2000 or 3000 and week ends till Monday. BKKB only once was instant in my 7y transfer history.
  19. It's just matter of luck. Where I moved to was absolutely quiet, but after a week a house renovation began and then 2nd house,3rd and 4th. It is about 6 months now, noise, dust and workers trucks blocking the soy. amazing !!! I have no lease and I can move out at anytime, but at least very quiet evenings.
  20. I have 2 cameras that show left and right side of soy neighbors in my soy. And 1 cam shows my car garage, house gate and front neighbor gate.
  21. In fact hallway is a common area as you know. No problem with that cam.
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