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Everything posted by DougieMax

  1. Wow, another witty and original post. You wokies never run out of them. 55555
  2. As usual, the left cannot come up with any original memes. As for the youth of the account, I only discovered this place via Facebook a couple of months ago. It looked like fun because of the large number of wokie NPCs here. I have not been disappointed. Now run along to your Orange Man Bad pep rally.
  3. What a wonderfully selective memory you have. I remember Romney villified relentlessly during the campaign. Too rich, bad hair, flip flopper (he was), racist, out of touch, blah blah. You people hated his guts. And Pence was a member of the loathed Christian right, also racist of course, and a perfect hood ornament of the Patriarchy Express. Had he been a little more visible, you can be sure your heroes like the ladies on the View and in Pyong Yang would have been all over him like a greasy cheap suit. Now you people are slobbering over both of them, pretending you would have stoned them to death before if given a chance.
  4. Golly gee, you are one clever Kamalite.
  5. Joe and Kamala have plumbed new depths when it comes to laughing stock.
  6. For the entirety of this century thus far, the left has been relentless telling anybody who would listen what a rotten person Dick Cheny was and how he was satan personified. Same with George Bush and same with Mitt Romney. Mike Pence too. The vitriol was off the charts with every foul name in the book thrown out there. So it is only fitting that such sh!tty people, being the human garbage the left has spent so much time and energy to remind us of, should throw their support over to Kamala. It just seems so completely appropriate that human garbage like that want her in the White House. There are certainly plenty of people like Cheney, Bush, Romney and Pence right here in this forum that want the same thing they do.
  7. You can feel honored to be among them now. You and the others are there because I haven't heard a new idea from any of you for almost a decade. Nothing but the same tape played on loop endlessly over and over again. Besides, there can't be any real back and forth. Your side is allowed to make all kinds of false claims, call names and generally behave like <deleted>. But if I reciprocate, you babies run to the report button and the mods are happy to accommodate your tears. Why even take the chance and dialogue with you people. Oh, and don't forget: Orange Man Bad.
  8. Just about any of them. If you want, I can post a screen shot of the two pages of people I've put on my ignore list who just can't help themselves.
  9. Amazing, somebody posts something about Kamala and a TV interview, and what do you know, we get a series of posts from people who have Trump living in their heads. Do you dream about him too? And you forgot to say "Trump is Hitler" Buh bye.
  10. Let me translate that: Borrow a lot of money and give it to democrat politicians in urban centers.
  11. Chatty Kathy, is that you?
  12. Are you old enough to remember the "Chatty Cathy" dolls. You pull a string and it would speak from a very limited menu of pre-recorded sentences. Things like "I love you," "Let's play together," "You are my best friend," and "Orange Man Bad."
  13. Absolutely ridiculous that we have to suffer the likes of Joe and Kamala sitting in the White House. Yet we're told over and over again that there is something wrong with people like me who do not prostrate ourselves at the feet of their greatness and extreme qualification for office. And we can look forward to hearing from the predictable cadre of posters here decrying as racist or some such the ridicule that Kamala and her so-called interview deserve.
  14. I'm dying to hear what your proposal for an alternative might be, say, something that might be able to weather a severe solar storm. or perhaps remain immune to the effects of being little more than printed pieces of paper backed up by the ability to tax its citizens? I suppose we can just increase the amounts for the items shown in this and add more to the list.
  15. The unspoken part about this is that his company is saving a ton of money wages which is one of the real reasons the border has been allowed to be so porous for so many decades.
  16. I'm all for reverting back to what has worked for thousands of years, gold.
  17. Wow, a fourth dukie. Buh bye ...
  18. Says the person posting yet another "childish rejoinder."
  19. HAHAHAHA .... They had to pry that baton out of his dessicated hands. Besides, whatever so-called diminished capacity your are belching at is nothing compared to the poor condition Joe was in even during the campaign of 2020. So much so that it was decided the best course was to simply.bury him in his basement.
  20. There is a "sweet spot" for that just like on a baseball bat. Tell me if you think this might have taken things a bit too far ....
  21. What makes it worse is that, at least for now, the US dollar is the world's reserve currency which means whatever negatively affects the dollar naturally spills over to other countries. The US will not fail in isolation.
  22. Well, at least this time you were able to transcend the brainless chant of "orange man bad." Kudos to you. And this comment at least talked in the direction of the original post. As for just reading past the pabalum like yours, I was the one who created the original post and so trite like yours naturally comes across the desk. It's actually you who needs to get over yourself because you could not resist the urge to come back here and drop a second dukie. I'm perfectly aware of history both contemporary and earlier, and also perfectly qualified to make observations based on it. The beauty of being out of the country (a conscious choice dating back to the 1970's) is the improved ability to see things unfiltered through assorted lenses designed to distort reality. In the meantime, please continue to enjoy paddling around in your kiddie pool.
  23. Nothing like that could possibly happen among that fine group of engineers, doctors and mathematicians imported from Haiti. Heck, the country can benefit from a million more. Elect Kamala Harris and we'll get twice the load of human treasure. Not to do so would be racist (an sh!t).
  24. Mostly true, but I think we have reached a point where the problems are simply too numerous and too big to be managed.
  25. What possible nexus does your robotic anti-Trump response have to do with the theme of this posting except to continue with the "orange man bad" mantra? Why are you here? Please say something that address the theme of this post or just go back to Redditt.
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