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Next US President Will Wear The Grandaddy of Hoover Curses
DougieMax replied to DougieMax's topic in Political Soapbox
I agree with everything you say. But I disagree with the assumption that there is still any kind of real choice in the process. Look at what was allowed to happen in 2020 and how the country suffered as a result. If there was ever a time to push back, that was it. That ship has sailed. They won't even investigate the assassination attempt on Trump!! As I said, there is little to be done at this point except to repent and brace for the consequences.- 61 replies
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I'm starting to ask myself why Trump would want to be captain of the Titanic. The American ship of state is doomed and the day of reckoning has all but arrived at this point. Nothing can be solved by tinkering with interest rates or scattering helicopter money as in the past. The US passed the point of no return by allowing unrestricted invasion of fighting age men from the third world. The country is morally bankrupt to the point it can't even distinguish between male and female anymore, and its leaders are hopelessly corrupt and inept. So why not just let Harris have the job? Whoever ends up in the White House is certain to preside over the final demise of the USA. How fitting that it should happen with the first woman president at the helm leaving no question of the abject failure of everything she represents. Look at how Herbert Hoover is remembered. And things were not nearly as bad as they are now. Whoever becomes president will become the next Herbert Hoover jacked up on a cocktail of steroids, amphetimines and hormone blockers. Who in their right mind would want to be remembered in history with that distinction? The American people pissed away their birthright and Judgment Day has all but arrived. How fitting that its humiliation should be spearheaded by the likes of Harris as it bends over for the grandaddy of all canings. America better brace itself and grit its teeth for the first swift, skin-breaking stroke with the cringeworthy sound of an amplified cackle in the background. RUN AWAY, DONALD, RUN AWAY WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!!
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Harris, who won't do unscripted live interviews with pre-planted questions, desperately needs another debate. Why? Because the public still does not know what she is about. "Opportunity economy"? What does that even mean apart from printing more money and dropping into the black holes of democrat controlled urban cesspools.As for the rest, what tiny smattering there was of it, it's either not believable or just Trump's policies she is trying to sell as her own. Post debate polling immediately after she won was favorable in terms of "she won," but as time has passed (and who knows better than her the significance of the passage of time?), it's clear that it did next to nothing to move the needle. In other words, she didn't change anybody's mind or motivate anyone to either vote or not to vote. Harris's rallies are stacked with paid attendees who arrive in buses and the coverage is limited. Debates offer exponentially more exposure. So Trump is right to simply take a pass. Besides, the vice presidential debates are coming which might even provide some real insight into what "policies" a Harris administration has in store for the Amerian public and its millions of illegal invaders.
These were the kneejerk comments immediately following the debate. Unfortunately for the Harris camp, it has not translated into the bump in support they initially hoped for. Bottom line is that it did next to nothing to change peoples minds or motivate people to either vote or not to vote. In other words, minds are already made up. The comparison is as simple as it has ever been: 4 actual years of Trump vs. 3.6 actual years of Harris-Biden. No amount of spin, moderator bias or lawfare can make people see other than what they have seen. Nor can it change the fact that, by every objective economic measure, people are worse off than they were in January 2021. OK, bring on the "reeeeeeeeeeee"
There is some truth to the adage that wisdom comes with age. Not always, but it's a matter of common sense that the more time one has to observe the workings of the world and history, the more accurate the assessments tend to be. Besides, even if bitcoin is a hit, it would be just a matter of time before governments co-opt and make it illegal in favor of their own CBDCs.
There’s all kinds of fun goodies at the link. Using simple arithmetic that half the country can do, if the interest on the national debt is 3% per year, that's about $1 trillion each year. Tax revenue is only about $5 trillion per year. Bush Sr.'s failure to address this issue in 1992 caused Ross Perot to enter as a third party candidate. He got about 10% of the vote and swung the election to Clinton. It was only about $4 trillion at the time. It's going to become a brutal society when it finally pops which I believe will be not long after the election regardless of the outcome. I expect traffic on this site will drop off dramatically as people stop thinking about their pronouns and focus on more immediate issues. https://www.usdebtclock.org/
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I have to disagree again. The Haitains eating pets topic was outright denied by the agressive moderator despite his being wrong. Also, the 2025 issue and "fine people" hoaxes made by Harris got a quiet pass along with several others. I wish Trump had had the presence of mind to simply address the moderator with the question: Am I debating you or Harris? And any flack or failure to remedy the approach should have been met with him simply walking off the stage. Harris will never accept a non-biased venue. Nor will she consent to a search for earphone or similar devices.
I don't necessarily agree, but you are at least reasonable sounding in your reply. After the fairly conducted debate on CNN, it was not unreasonable to expect something similar from ABC. On that point, he was sadly mistaken; once a whore, always a whore. You can be sure that it will not happen again. Trump generally knows how to learn from his mistakes which, one would think, would be an attractive quality for the position. Harris was indeed well prepared which I am convinced also involved the use of an earphone for outside instructions. As you observed, she stated nothing of substance regarding policy and made a number of patently false statements that went unchallenged. The facial exprtessions were distracting too along with the whiny quality of her voice which is not the stuff of leadership. Thank you for being civil.
I read nothing after your first sentence because it's impossible you could have anything constructive or critical to say about it if you clicked off after only one minute. Why on earth did you waste more than a minute composing a comment?
Nude awakening: Foreigner filmed naked on Phuket hotel balcony - video
DougieMax replied to snoop1130's topic in Phuket News
How come we never see attractive women do stuff like this? -
A bet against Kamala is easy money. She wants a second debate supposedly. That's what challengers do when they lose. Trump may or may not accept, but I doubt he will put himself into another ridiculous 3 vs 1 situation. Now that Kamala is riding high from a wave of sycophantic praise, we will probably start seeing a lot more of her, cackle and all. She will suffer a downfall like Hillary's; they more people saw of her, the lower her approval ratings dropped. Kamala is in a near tie with her in terms of repulsiveness.
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For people who have 40 minutes to spare, this is an excellent video. Very objective.