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Everything posted by DougieMax

  1. No, not me. But this is ...
  2. Here is my No. 9 just for you.
  3. If this helps Trump overcome the massive amount of election fraud anybody with half a brain knows is coming and will also be enthusiastically supported by the corrupt judiciary and media, then it is a wonderful thing. Even better would be to let RFK Jr. be given full authority to run the CIA, FBI, Homeland Security and Secret Service. Imagine the decades of dirt he could dredge up.
  4. She will unburden us by what has been. BTW, why is a Kamala-related story being posted here? Seems a bit obsessive and fetishistic to me.
  5. I'm being shown a near black stating the content is sensitive with a place to click if I want to see it. The link doesn't work. Has anybody here seen the image? If so, wht is it.
  6. I heard that the first symptom of monkey pox is a painful pounding sensation in the anus.
  7. Actresses acting in a wide open field.
  8. The decree will apply to a total of about 200,000 people. My guess is that Thailand will now be awash with criminals running freely throughout the country. Still doesn't even compare to the massive numbers of criminals and assorted mental defectives running wild in western countries courtesy of open borders.
  9. Some of my favorite are people from India with heavy Indian accents with names like George or William. And of course, there is the inevitable need for the recipient to send money somewhere.
  10. The fine is tiny compared to the size of her grift. And she can beat the three years of jail time by few well placed under the table contributions.
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