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Everything posted by CanadaJoe

  1. Thanks. That's an option we're considering but I'd still need to get my motorcycle to Hua Hin as I couldn't take that in an SUV. If I can send the bike via Thai post or another route that would be fine.
  2. Has anyone had issues transitioning from an OA Retirment Visa to an O Retirment Visa? When I obtained my OA visa in Canada, they told me that if I stayed in Thailand I'd have to transition over to O visa. They said the only difference (aside from a few requirements like health insurance, police check, etc.) was that OA visa were issued in the applicatns home country, while O visas were issued in Thailand. However, when I went to Thai Immigration today to do this, I was told it was not possible. They said I have two options: 1) Renew my OA Visa, or 2) Leave Thailand, return on a Tourist visa and then apply for a new O visa To renew the OA Visa, they said I would need to get my non-Thai insurance certified by the Canadian embassy. It's my understanding that the Canadian Embassy does not provide services like this. The insurance is from a German insurer, so the Thai immigration official then told me to go to the German embassy and have them certify the insurance. However, I'm not convinced that the German embassy will certify insurance, particularly for a non-German citizen. The only other option for getting around the insurance is to fork out $300-$400 CND for one of those throw-away Thai insurance policies. This is despite my current policy having infinitely more coverage and benefits than the Thia policy would provide. The other option would be to fly to a neighbouring country, return on a Tourist visa and start the whole process of applying for an O visa again from scratch. It's very frustrating, particularly as the Thai Consulate in Canada had told me it would be no problem to transition from an OA to an O. Has anyone had similar experiences and if so, how did you resolve the issues? Thanks
  3. Thanks. Yeah a van and driver is another option we're looking into but haven't found anyone local yet who'll do it.
  4. Yeah, I don't mind riding the bike if that's easier and cheaper. Just need to ensure I can get there ahead of the delivery truck.
  5. Great thanks. Will try them as well.
  6. Sweet thanks. Seems like Thai Post does it all.
  7. Wow! Seems pretty efficient. In Canada they post office has trouble delivering a letter nevermind a bike!!! Thanks
  8. Great thanks. Do you know if they do motorcycles as well or just household goods?
  9. Great thanks. Just spent a frustrating afternoon at the Thail Immigration office so didn't have a chance to get to the post office. Will try tomorrow.
  10. Great thanks for the info. Will contact them and see what they say. We also do have a motorcycle but it's a larger bike (900 cc). Not sure if they transport larger bikes like that but will ask them. Thanks for the prompt reply. Much appreciated.
  11. My partner and I are moving to Hua Hin in August and are having trouble finding a company that will move our stuff. We probably have the equivalent of about 8-10 large suitcases consisting of personal items, clothing, household goods, etc. We don't have any furniture or really large items, so we don't meet the minimum volume requirements of any of the moving companies we've approached. All of our stuff would easily fit in something like a Toyota van or in the back of a pick-up truck. Does anyone know of a company that would transport this amount at a reasonable price? We're also happy to hire a private truck or van with a driver, but again, have not had any luck in finding someone. Any advice or recommendations for companies or individual drivers who could help us would be much appreciated. Thanks
  12. Sounds like a ChatGpt story. Although, a Harley rider locking up the brakes, losing control and falling over while travelling at a paltry 10 kph does sound feasible ๐Ÿ˜†
  13. Great info, thanks for sharing. I'll be doing my first renewal this week and your info will hopefully help to ensure a smooth experience at the Immigration office. Thanks
  14. A very sad, devastating and life changing incident. Yes, it was a crazy and stupid decision to approach a shark, and unfortunately she will have to live with the consequences of that for the rest of her life. An horrific, yet completely avoidable incident. ๐Ÿ™
  15. I'm not saying smokers are all bad people. All I'm saying is that in my experience smokers can be quite selfish and prioritize their own addiction over the health, safety and comfort of others.
  16. By "doo gooders" do you mean folks who don't wish to breathe in other people's foul, disgusting, cancerous smoke???
  17. What about anyone passing by the smoking rooms or the poor staff members who have to go and clean those areas? To say a smoking room doesn't affect anyone is wrong.
  18. If people want to engage in a disgusting habit like smoking, they are free to do it in the privacy of their own homes. However, the rest of us should not be subjected to the stench or health risks from such a foul habit. All public spaces should be smoke-free. Why should we have to suffer from someone else's addiction? In my experience, the majority of smokers are selfish and believe they have the right to smoke, regardless of the harm they cause to others.
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