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  1. Da jen jen, relax. There is no problem. If your homecountry has a taxagreement with Thailand. As my home country have. Everything will continue as before. Its profitable for me. I paid 200 000 thb less in tax in total. I pay tax only on the money I send to Thailand.. I send 1 mill thb every year. But if paying tax makeyou scared, feel fre to leave Thailand 😉
  2. Do you pay tax to your homecountry? Why dont you pay tax to Thailand?
  3. Okay: You obviously dont want to listen to other people or read what they are writing. I said I am a Norwegian citizen and Thai law say I have to pay tax to Thailand when I live here more than 180 days per year. What is your problem? Are you poor or are you stupid or both?!
  4. Fixed deposit? I have enough income every month, over 65 000 thb. I am not able to spend all money. The rest I save in Bitcoin and other crypto. I sold some of it when Bitcoin was 2,5 million thaibath. Good luck with your fixed deposit!
  5. I have to pay tax because I live here! What is your first language?
  6. Can you read? Or dont you understand what I was writing?? I have more money left to use on myself and my family when I pay tax to Thailand.
  7. Up to you. I have disability pension. That is why I paid 30 % in Norway. I learned myself about tax. I went to taxoffice and they helped me. My wife was with me because they dont talk english. But you know that if you stay in Thailand more than 180 days, you HAVE TO pay tax?! I live here permanently.
  8. If you know how to get discount on tax it is possible. But I dont want to spend time discussing with people who dont have knowledge about this. You obvisiously dont know a <deleted>.
  9. Modafinil is available in some pharmacies. I bought 10 packs with 30 tablets 200 mg made of Alphapharma (India). Pharmacy in Pattya 2.road in front of Villamarket. 1 pack is 2200 thb. I paid 20 0000thb since I bought so many. Expensive but good quality. Last for 10 months for me since I take 1 pill every morning 6 days a week. Modafinil is not illegal but it is not registered in Thailand. Unofficial drug. Many countries use modafinil for pasients with narcolepsy. I have ADHD and it helps me a lot. Alpha-pharma makes medicine of good quality. If anyone know somewhere I can buy it cheaper, I would be really grateful.
  10. I am Norwegian and Norway has taxagreement deal with Thailand. I have paid tax to Thailand from day 1 since I moved here 3 years ago. In Norway I paid 30% tax. In Thailand I pay 6% tax. So I dont understand why you even discuss this. For me it is reallly beneficial. I get paid 140 000 thb every month. After tax. This is retirement pension. Please explain to me why you dont want to pay tax to Thailand??
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