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  1. This is not true. Chinese cars are better and cheaper. Everyone hates Leon Musk. In Europe sales of Tesla is down 50 to 95 %. Tesla has a lot of problems also with their cars.
  2. Thailife is good.
  3. Bic is good. Made in France.
  4. Thank you for sharing this. I am in the same situation. But my PSA has been rising over one year from 6,5 to 9,9. I excercise every day so maybe this affect my PSA. In ultrasound doctor saw one stone?. Can it bee cancer?My urologist at goverment hospital advised a biopsy. I don want to have a rectal biopsy because of the risk of infections, pain and so on.... Someone gave me the advice to choose MRI (tesla3). This MRI machine they only have in private hospitals. I will go to Bangkok hospital Pattaya in july. Then I had insurance for 2 years and I dont have to pay and claim back myself. My insurance company will pay directly to hospital. Is it safe to wait until july/august to go for MRI?
  5. You have to pay taxes in Thailand if you stay more than 180 days. People who dont understand why dont deserve to be in Thailand, because Thailand dont want stupid people. 🤣
  6. I am 65. I will check out Burapha. I have a phd in biology. So I know a little about anatomy an psysiology. But no clinical experience. You did not answer about your qulafications in medicine?!
  7. My PSA was 9,9. Rising from 6 one year ago. I am 65 years.
  8. Thanks for your advice. I want to get a second opinion. Maybe from Chonburi hospital. I had an ultrasound also that showed my prostate is bigge than normal. The urologist I met gave med three choices. Can I ask if you are a doctor or educated in medicine?
  9. Queen Sirikit is a good tip. Thanks a lot 🙂
  10. I asked for Random prostate biopsy. I know there are other ways to do this. Banglamung can do this. I took PSA some days ago and I was so surprised when the doctor told me about my PSA level so I dont remember what he said about cost. He recommended Biopsy and gave me choices. I have appintment in february and try to learn about transperineum biopsy, MRI and so on. So I still have time to choose random or targeted biopsy.
  11. I am trying to find the cost of random Proste biopsy. I cannot find it online. I dont want to use private hospital. Anyone did this or know the price in Government hospital in or near Pattaya?
  12. Da jen jen, relax. There is no problem. If your homecountry has a taxagreement with Thailand. As my home country have. Everything will continue as before. Its profitable for me. I paid 200 000 thb less in tax in total. I pay tax only on the money I send to Thailand.. I send 1 mill thb every year. But if paying tax makeyou scared, feel fre to leave Thailand 😉
  13. Do you pay tax to your homecountry? Why dont you pay tax to Thailand?
  14. Okay: You obviously dont want to listen to other people or read what they are writing. I said I am a Norwegian citizen and Thai law say I have to pay tax to Thailand when I live here more than 180 days per year. What is your problem? Are you poor or are you stupid or both?!
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