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  1. That has nothing to do with this. A work extension MUST be cancelled, even if you just let it run out, or leave without a re-entry permit, you still MUST cancel it. If you don't cancel it, you likely cannot get a new long-term visa or new long-term extension until you do so, and will also be fined 500 baht per day for failing to do so. There are also land borders that won't even let you leave Thailand if you haven't cancelled your work extension and don't have a re-entry permit. Same goes for education extensions and volunteer extensions.
  2. Never heard of a 2000 baht TM30 fine. The fine for failure to do a 90 day report is 2000 baht though.
  3. You don't see how the government would get commissions? The votes were already bought. There's no need to make the payment now. So a few thousand people don't get the full 10,000 or don't get it at all. But that money still shows as distributed in the rolls. Guess whose bank account it actually ended up in?
  4. The closest land border will be Chiang Saen or Chiang Khong. But there is a lot of uncertainty there now as they've started requiring people to spend 1 or 2 nights in Laos before returning. Then reports from other places that you cannot do a border bounce if you have gotten an extension on your entry. A confusing time for sure. I think Dr Jack's recommendation of flying out would be easiest, especially since Chiang Mai has some direct international flights.
  5. If you look at the machines, they all have a "price" listed on them for the toys. You can go to the staff and purchase one of the toys for that price, or you can play the game. The machine will not actually hold onto the item until you've put that much money into the machine. After which the machine will let you play unlimited times until you win. So you are not "gambling" you are paying the price listed for the item. Which is usually very high.
  6. It sounds like you are in the application for a dependent DTV. One of the requirements for this is showing the DTV of the primary person that then qualifies the dependent (spouse, child) to qualify for a DTV as well.
  7. I've never heard of the pre-clearance for CNX. The agent that I know that offers it, only offers it for Bangkok and Phuket.
  8. When you obtained your work extension, you signed a document that said you would notify immigration if your situation changed. You stopped working, and you failed to notify immigration. This can prevent you both from getting a new long-term visa or long-term extension until it is cancelled. Likely that will involve paying a fine of 500 baht per day up to a maximum of 20,000 baht. You will need to find out how to cancel it with the immigration office. Even going past November won't make a difference, because you still failed to meet the terms you previously agreed to. You need to find out from immigration what they want to cancel your old extension, and then try to get that.
  9. You've already been vetted, submitted an application and been approved to enter Thailand when you have a visa. There's no reason to have to submit information again for an ETA. Travel authorizations across the countries that use them are for pre-authorizing and collecting information for people that are traveling without a visa.
  10. This is a very good way to get pulled into an interrogation room and questioned about what you are doing and why you are playing games with your passports. All to save 1000 baht? Doesn't seem worth the risk. Even people just normally changing passports betwen trips get questioned often enough, but you are planning on doing it 2 times in short order.
  11. Also solves the problem of all the retirement and other long-term visa people complaining that the 300 baht tourism fee could affect them. Now if it's only for visa exempt they won't have anything to complain about.
  12. As of November 2023, Jomtien requires a new TM30 for returning from outside the country. It caught many people out and they got fined, because it was a change in policy. Also countrywide, you must do your first 90-day report in person after returning from outside the country. You might get lucky and they accept the online submission, but many many have been denied with the reason that they must go in person after returning.
  13. The influx of Russians mostly. They were at a point for many months where they hit their daily capacity of residence certificates (300) and would turn people away after that. And that happened every day for many months. I'm not sure if it's still like that but supply & demand.
  14. There's literally only 2 embassies in the world that have terminology like this on their websites. And it's not a rule. But they can put whatever they want on their websites. To top it off, the embassies and consulate have no say in the entry policies, as that is immigration which is a completely different government agency.
  15. That's not true at all. Thailand has a treaty with those countries and they still qualify for 90 days through that bi-lateral agreement. Previously Brazilians and Koreans could decide if they wanted the 30 days visa exempt or the 90 days visa waiver. Now they can decide if they want the 60 or 90.
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