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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Live in thailand, get respiratory disease. Thats just the way it is
  2. Im sure the police are sympathetic
  3. Another case of trump fixing the world before getting in office
  4. What used to be the middle class canadian would disagree with you
  5. The world is ridding itself of the liberal virus one day at a time. Europe is next hopefully
  6. Bunch of nonsense. The smoke is there for a reason. Dont <deleted> with the planet or there will be consequences
  7. Its a trump thread for all the european trump haters to show themselves
  8. Would be good if everyone were from USA. Too many dumb european opinions on american politics here, wasting space on what could be meaningful discussion
  9. Ive made this decision already for my children. Id rather they feel comfortable speaking their mind and questioning authority. If not they become subservient dogs like thais
  10. At least it sounds like you get it. Theres no right or wrong, its them vs us
  11. Trump really should just bomb iran. Muslims have been able to celebrate for too long now
  12. This countrys politics are a joke. All members of government there are merely children playing a game
  13. Thailand will never change. Thais will always be children and dog abusers
  14. The elite tourists they are seeking all went to japan. All thats left are chinese russians arabs and indians
  15. Hilarious how folks criticize him as being the real president of the US like its a bad thing…i wish we could be that lucky
  16. Why doesnt the article specify their nationality like other articles here? Is it because they are muslim?
  17. Also curious to why all the leftist virtue signallers dont go to gaza and adopt some palestinians
  18. That country has some neo nazis too, how about sharing their names too not just the ones who are already dead
  19. I think that trump is wrong here. Nothing good about tiktok. I wouldnt allow it to pollute young peoples minds any further
  20. The most transparently corrupt country ive ever seen. Why thai people dont try to kill their politicians like Americans do is beyond me
  21. Cant take any of this guys posts seriously
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