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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. Anyone that watches the debates will not vote for kamala. Probably best for her that she doesnt speak about defunding the police like she has in the past
  2. Maybe youd prefer america were like thailand. I still believe america is a democracy, and will be further validated with trump winning. The left seems to want to destroy this country
  3. You speak like you know the future. Nobody knows. The debates havent even happened yet
  4. Future wont be kind to people who faded bitcoin and believe in their government
  5. Boy youre in for a rude awakening this year. Soon that fudged inflation statistic the government is feeding you will become apparent after trump becomes president and the real statistics start coming out
  6. Bitcoin is just a marker of the strength of the us dollar. The more dollars that are printed the less valuable it becomes and bitcoin becomes worth more dollars. Inflation should be what they talk about at debates and is what is affecting all americans. Abortion is a lesser issue the dems are using to deflect away from what is affecting all americans right now
  7. Who believes that inflation is 2.9% right now? Do you know why bitcoin is worth 60k dollars right now? Because dollars arent worth anything anymore
  8. A non issue compared to the economy right now, in which inflation is out of control and people cant afford groceries anymore
  9. Trump will win primarily because the left is pro islam and absolutely destroying themselves with all this anti aamerican rhetoric. They dont even know who our allies are
  10. Coming from a libertarian who doesnt subscribe to the current american political system, the left is an absolute trainwreck at the moment. Anti-israel, anti-american and pro iran and not to mentiom the marxists in charge of american universities. People will vote for trump plainly out of fear of societal collapse if dems maintain power
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