Yeah but youre going to miss it when you leave. Japanese girls are weird and racist, and western girls are feminized. Take advantage of what thailand offers while you can
So Trump wants to take from other countries, am i as an American supposed to be upset when democrats try to give to other countries for nothing in return?
Theres british posters on this forum that wanted the US to become this, also they want thailand to become like this. You know the posters im talking about, theres quite a few of them here
Joe seems to be on good terms with Trump after the democrats threw him under the bus. The division and chaos within the democrat party is enough to make anyone defect to the other side
Elon is way smarter than any democrat in washington. I for one am thankful if he is the one that makes decisions. Hating someone because theyre rich is what socialists do. How many rich people have used their money to benefit regular people like Elon
it doesnt matter to me whether its real or not, what id like to know is why arent the polluting countries shamed? Why are the green countries being shamed for it?
Merkel is responsible for todays Germany. She was so bad that the far right is a viable option for a country that doesnt want anything to do with neo nazis