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Everything posted by mdr224

  1. It should be telling that the crazies that want america to burn also happen to want democrats to stay in power
  2. Ah yes, advertisements will surely win her the stupid vote. Meanwhile, nothing she can do about the millions who will be listening to her inane drivel at the debates
  3. Nothing will be done about it. Protect yourself and buy bitcoin
  4. And something further…this articles opinion is dumb. The best thing that trump can do for his campaign is to distance himself from these far right social media influencers
  5. Its what the ivy league professors are teaching now at american universities. Those are marxists
  6. Hes right though about Kamala not understanding how free markets work.
  7. Couldnt care less about opinions posted on social media. The only way to gain followers on those platforms is to spout the most extreme opinions possible, or else they wouldnt get any engagement. Social media is the undoing of humanity and this will be apparent when the leaders of nations starts shifting to younger generations
  8. You couldnt be more wrong. Being cash heavy means losing purchasing power due to inflation. Bitcoin will decouple from the stock market and when hyperinflation does occur bitcoin will be what people will park their dollars in. Time in the market beats timing the market. You can be sitting on the sidelines and the opportunity to buy will pass you by.
  9. Everything you quoted could also be said about the us dollar or any other fiat currency
  10. The fruit in thailand tastes so much better than fruit back home i domt know why i would ever want imported anyways. Mangoes coconuts and durian all day
  11. Hamas is backed by iran who is backed by russia. So by voting democrat you are effectively opting to drop israel as an ally in exchange for iran and russia. The extreme left seems to want america to be friends with islam now
  12. Governments cant do anything about it. Chinas government tried banning it multiple times. Its really the most ingenius invention to take power back from the elites who control the worlds money supply
  13. Bitcoin effectively makes both gold and banks obsolete
  14. The value is that it always works, the transactions are faster than bank transfers. You dont have to trust anyone, you are in control of your finances. you no longer have to wait 5 days to wire funds from your home country to a thai bank account, with bitcoin its done in 15 minutes. can gold do any of this?
  15. Smart people dont trade btc they hold it
  16. Bitcoin is up like a million percent since it was created in 2009. Gold is up maybe 50 percent since then. Gold is a fine inflation hedge but if you like having more money why would you choose gold over bitcoin? Makes no sense
  17. When bitcoin is pushing towards 100k around the elections, i will revisit this thread
  18. Cant send physical gold to anyone in the world in an instant, cant get it thru the airport. Inconvenient to carry and store. Theres no reason for anyone to hold gold anymore
  19. I dont have much opinion on transgenders themselves..just that i wont be having my children raised in the american public schooling system because of it
  20. Trump is surprisingly moderate compared to the candidates the left have to settle for now
  21. Do you dislike elon? I think he would make a better president than trump
  22. With Kamala it’s definitely a possibility in the future
  23. You probably dont live here either. Not only is everything too expensive for most people now, the healthcare system doesnt work anymore. Everything is beyond messed up. Trump cant fix it, but at least with him as president we wont be importing arabs from the middle east into our country
  24. He almost got his head blown off. Why would he be afraid of anything at this point? Get real
  25. Inflation is very much a problem and you can take it to the bank that bitcoin will be nearing 100k by the elections
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