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  1. Easy to fix... Have another hit... No police and if you do fine one he has deep pockets... Corruption 101.
  2. And Pattaya... Cesspool Pattaya is also a cesspool..yet the GOV is all about money πŸ’° πŸ€‘. Enough of this crap.. Star tossing these idiots in jail..for 30 days then deport with Stamp no allowed in Thailand.
  3. Well CONNDA. When you start of with your Left Liberal Hatered question, how do you think this question will effect people. NONE of you <deleted>BAGS lived in the US, nor lived in the US Under Trumps Leaderships, yet you think you know everything by watching your far left hatered news media. Your pathetic <deleted>bags wish you had a President, Leader, Ambasador, etc that has the STONES to LEAD a great country like the UNITES STATES. MOst of you <deleted>BAGS here come for your Liberal ass Broke ass Countries like the UK with your FAILED Government system with your Open boarders and Millions of Immagrates have taken over your Country. England, Belgium, Germany, etc.... Your countries are ruin with people you dont want because of your FAILED LIBERAL Leadrships and ways. Trump hasnt done a <deleted> thing wrong to you. He hasent impact a damn thing in your life yet you choose to display hate and violence. Your telling me you dont want your counrty to retur to greatness? To be the best in the world? To have a leader that will stand up and take no <deleted> from China or anyone that tries to take advantage of you? This is a sign of TRUE LEADERSHIP. So continue to watch your CNN, MSNBC, ASIA BBC, etc... And you Bloats in Auss land... Keep you <deleted> down under... Truly amazing how much HATE you all have for one single individual that you have no <deleted> idea who he truly is yet you continue to judge with false fake news. Dont come crying for help when your country needs the UNITED STATES as you always do... PISS OFF ALL YOU HATERS.... God be with The Trump Family....
  4. Someone should ask the Philippines howd that work out for the Filipino.... Ill tell ya... Prior Government leader got rich and every Casino in Manila and Pasay is runed by China with ALL Chinese employees Not one Filipino.
  5. Its like the eat Fertilizaer... They are everywhere....
  6. Well said brother... Just another talking head... and I can speak from 5 years of living in the Philippines. If they didn't speak English, most foreigners would NOT be there.. lousy food, horrible infrastructure, and still brown outs and power failures.. Don't get me taking about medical.. I love Thailand and the people are just as peaceful as Filipinos.. maybe more so.. Stay blessed and ignore self-indulging people...
  7. Well said brother... Just another talking head... and I can speak from 5 years of living in the Philippines. If they didn't speak English, most foreigners would NOT be there.. lousy food, horrible infrastructure, and still brown outs and power failures.. Don't get me taking about medical.. I love Thailand and the people are just as peaceful as Filipinos.. maybe more so.. Stay blessed and ignore self-indulging people...
  8. Agree.. Strays everywhere on beaches even in Hua Hin making it unsafe and on edge... But it is a start.
  9. 911 can you reply back please::: Bravo Victor 9er... We're slammed here at the station.. πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚.. well at least we now know why they can never be seen doing actually police work...
  10. Police are too busy having hookers dance for them at the station... Can't be bothered to do their job... 🀣 Reference another ASEASN NOW STORY ..
  11. Love the KMAN Logo...
  12. So what Disease did you have? Be thankful it wasn't Prostate Cancer brother.. stay safe and avoid hanging out in the bars... Time for life changes
  13. I can only speak of my own experience. 2023 September. I was urinating many times during the day and night. I was in the Philippines and did a Biopsy, very unpleasant but necessary. The results - benign. Then 3 months later nothing changed so I got a Second opinion in US, America.. Prostate Cancer was found. Aggressive State.. 2023 April. (Surgery Performed, Prostate Removed) Was healing and feeling good. 2024 Jan - Aug my PSA was rising (when you have no prostate you shouldn't have PSA number or should be something like 0.01..) at 0.8 we had a PetScan CTscan done. 2 small Metastasis were found 2024 Aug Thailand Bumrungrad Hospital Bangkok. 6 weeks of radiation treatments. 2024 currently today, October 16th.. Heading back to Bumrungrad Hospital for results this week.. Bumrungrad Radiation Treatment Center IS FANTASTIC AND THE BEST! I feel positive the treatments worked. So my point is this... If you feel you are urinating more frequently and or something is just off., get your back side to Bumrungrad Hospital Bangkok Thailand. This isn't a game, you don't have time ( Although it's rare Prostate Cancer can kill you..it's the spread that might.. tumors can relocate) I'm living good.. I have always been in great shape. Blood work great, NO diabetes, not overweight, 25 years Military πŸͺ– HOOAH. So this can hit anyone as it doesn't segregate... Anyone have any questions ❓. Feel free to hit me up at LINE: WOODY KENNY. or IM. At Woody Kenny. Side note: I lived in the Philippines with my Filipino Wife for 4 year's, have a house built, car still there. Medical is not, repeat Not the best.. Very few areas like Manila Region has decent Medical. But who wants to live in Manila.. Bottom line you just don't want to get caught in the Philippines needing serious medical.. That's why I'm here in Thailand where medical is Top Self at Bumrungrad Hospital Bangkok. Thank you for reading... Kenny
  14. And yet you allow Ladybugs, Ladyboys, Hooker's and Bars to sell sex and pour liquor even after they had enough. Quite simple card game.. perhaps they forgot to invite the right people. πŸ˜‚
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