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  1. The US Media and Liberal Media organization from around the world are so bias and hateful. The dislike over one man is disgraceful and despicable. Bill Clinton hung out with Epstein so much you'd think they were brothers. It's just a Sad and Pathetic world in which we live in today. It's all about Greed. money and Control.. Sounds a bit like how the Slave owners once ruled...hmmm Which were democrats...
  2. Root Causes - Really... Well I'd start with Foreigners excessive alcohol intake , the lack of morals, no discipline, no respect for Thailand and take NO responsibility for their actions. Out of control Girly Bars system that continue to pour liquor and take no responsibility. Shut the bars down at midnight.. start thinking about others and not about your wallet
  3. On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. 'Tis a silly place. Insert THAILAND for Camelot , Monty Python...
  4. Oh it's on.. They just killed their future to Build and Buy housing. Gotta be more than 500 homes on the market for sale in Hua Hin area alone. And to you that feel we don't pay our fair share. In 2022 alone Thailand Tourist brought in 1.2 TRILLION Thai Baht to the GDP. Let's say you now as we don't contribute. I'm sure the Philippines or Vietnam would love that cash! With a Failed system you get Greed...
  5. Outstanding! I'll buy you 100 more if you need them.. Animal lover's outraged YET won't come get these barking bastards off the streets.. typical Liberals...
  6. Fake - All part of getting more attention to his channel.... dude went like 30 feet Come on Clones... Wake up
  7. They won't get a dime from me.. I'll never open a bank account here..and I'll pop smoke every 178 days.. I pay my fair share to A US government in which made my life and money.. I'll be damn if I'm going to give it to a country that had no part in my making, and yet with out us here, their small mom and pop businesses will feel the burn as I'm back in the Philippines...where they don't tax you..
  8. Feel free to send all your money to them if that's how you how you feel. Since when is it right to take what's not yours. Remove all the foreigners that feeds this country and watch it implode. Must be a true liberal...not paying fair share. What a joke..
  9. Can't wait to see this Implode on them. Hubris of them to start, Great way to hault foreigners building dreams. Greed
  10. Not buying the reason at all.. so your telling us because of the flood... It's because this countries economy is falling, falling fast I might add..the BAHT is next in line.. So hold on as we are in for a rough ride the next 10 month. Good news is I can always go back to my 2nd home the Philippines
  11. Green new deal is for Fat Cats making money... So you push electric autos but ignore the trucks, vans, buses, and motorcycle that spew pollution daily both Noise and Gases.. Just trying to Make themselves feel good and hey look at what we've done for you... Suckers
  12. How did he get a passport or visa? Pretty <deleted>ty system some countries have.. Deport his ass right after he servers 20 years Ina hot Thai prison. Thailand seems to be the land of a lot of Bad bad Characters from Australia, And Indonesia, China... WTH..
  13. Wish you the very best.. I'm not following number 7. How do you Strengthen a relationship when you nit in one... I was married and then divorced.. then single for 20 years.. I found a true loving woman believe it or not.. she Filipino. She's not a material girl, she doesn't care to live in the US, she not a bar girl at all. She from the country mountain area in the Philippines.. The most caring and loving person I've ever met... Some people just embrace life alone and that's cool.. I pray you never need assistance for medical as your home alone..... I agree freedom is nice... But a warm bed, breakfast and compassion is also wondering.. best to ya brother
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