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Everything posted by willip

  1. It brings more farrang. More money. More bar girls. We all see the increase of farrangs in the village's. So some won't be going to Pattaya or phuket now. until it builds more!and they will.
  2. I agree 💯. But Thailand's elite are greedy. So the casino will go ahead. Leading the way for further money laundering corruption. On the pretense of giving jobs to the poor. And putting money into pockets of the Thaksin's.
  3. First time he couldn't buy his freedom
  4. Never mind a bloody suit!! What about his massive wealth?. We all know he won't wear a suit while he's begging for aid!. After all when was the last time you've seen a BEGGAR wearing one.
  5. Disappeared into the crowd??? Eh'.
  6. Disrepute!!!!! Look at the corruption in the temples. How many monks drink smoke. Take drugs. Drive. And go to bars!. It's all documented. Papers! Media etc. Biggest temple in Bangkok. Where there's money 💰 there's corruption.
  7. Yes it's well known for driver's to be taking (yabba). My wife is constantly reminding me to keep away from lorrys and busses for this reason. Combined with very poor testing facilities when getting a license.
  8. I'm going to get a tattoo of yabba .with a casino and Marijuana.
  9. Stop all aid.!make the comedian suffer. He's corrupt and so is Ukraine. He's gone unchecked for years. Billions has been siphoned by him. Stand strong Trump. Take no <deleted>. The west should keep out. I'm English but I don't agree with supporting zelensky. Stop the open checkbook!!!!!
  10. It's bad enough being robbed by ladyboys on motorcycles!. Let alone by farrang they deserve to suffer thai justice, without interference from the west. An example to be set here.
  11. Thailand slips to 109 place for corruption. Then the government says it's gonna build casinos??? Nothing but money laundering. Omb. GREED. by the super rich again.
  12. How is Thailand ever gonna be accepted? When corruption is so in your face, and so (BLATANT)
  13. That's all we need is another rich criminal! It's unbelievable what you can achieve if you're a rich and corrupt politician.
  14. THAI FARRANG.! looks like money again. Spoiled rich kid again. 19 says it all.
  15. Corruption! Never!! Unheard of. Ask THAKSIN. or anyone that wears a uniform.
  16. JAIL THEM. then deport! Nothing worse than skint farrang. Ask any thai? Cannot pay bribes!. MUST GO.
  17. Thailand always has been a Hotspot for R'R. With bar girls. Along with corruption. But the governments can never find any! STRANGE. corruption is everywhere. They legalized Marijuana. Next casinos. Looks like it's going to be a good future for the Thaksin's AGAIN.
  18. Thailand's culture (greed).ask any rich politicians
  19. CORRUPTION AT IT'S WORST!!! (DISGUSTING). If you are super rich you can get away with anything here in Thailand.
  20. Which president was not a puppet? Not looking out for the rich people that elected them. Power before people???
  21. Well Biden got his son stopped from prosecution!. NEXT !!!!
  22. Does this THAI driver have any license????. (I mean a proper one)
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