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Everything posted by BarBoy

  1. Porn is illegal in Thailand.
  2. I would like to start a thread for mindless, off topic and useless discussions/ramblings. Anything and everything is allowed to be discussed here (within the forum rules of course)... Nothing can be off topic in here because there is no topic!! Let me start it off.. Mrs. Neville wants to watch the news but I want to put a film on. What should I do?? At present we only have one working TV
  3. I think you may have a drinking problem. What do you think?
  4. Yeah, she knows which side her bread is buttered on!
  5. ...I think you will find it's them arguing with me!!
  6. Then don't read it. Nobody is forcing you to. And this is how you spend your birthday? Reading my threads? I almost feel sorry for you...
  7. It made a lot of difference to you on August 28th though, didn't it? I mean you seemed so sure of yourself, so certain that was how things were going to pan out... you seemed really engaged with the political goings on in the states back then... what changed?? Loser with a capital L.
  8. Twas the day you really put your foot in it by proclaiming your unwavering love for Kamala Harris and how she was gonna take the lead over the Donald and bla bla bla bla.. Remember? Oh how wrong you were boy.
  9. Handy for knocking children down or do you prefer OAP's?
  10. Yeah, whatever Captain pole greaser!
  11. Yeah. It's this thing called school. Did they have them when you were a kid?? 🤭
  12. Last night the traffic was anything but gridlocked .. The driver was just a lazy ignorant pig, plain and simple.
  13. .....Jesus Sour grapes much? You sound rather bitter these days. Chins up, R2D2, it's only a few more years till the democrats lose again. Cheer up, buttercup...
  14. ...what was the red tiled section I was walking on last night then? It had a curb on the edge of it too..
  15. That we put up with you mean.
  16. I might be half American for all you know, born in Dorset and educated in the states... Stop presuming so much.
  17. Sidewalk, Pavement, Footpath, walkway Who gives, it's all the same shtick! Semantics r us....
  18. I am Colin. Is there another Colin on here??
  19. Yep. No doubt it will be the usual suspects. Not naming names because it's an anonymous poll but it's not hard to guess.
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