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Everything posted by BarBoy

  1. .....Jesus. talk about egg on your face!! Was it a big dollop of humble pie for Christmas this year?? How wrong you were!! I'd be embarrassed as hell if I were you!
  2. I see. Never heard that before.
  3. could you elaborate on this?
  4. ...I'm not into fat girls.
  5. Why?
  6. I've just had a text from an old colleague of mine who I haven't seen for years saying that she 'misses me'... She is a Thai woman, office worker type and lives in Hat Yai. She knows that I am in a relationship but has said she is coming to my area for new year and would love to meet up at her hotel. I'm not sure what to do at this moment in time but I always did have a bit of a thing for her and Mrs. Neville is actually doing my head in a bit at the moment... What would you fellas do?
  7. Yes. An ANONYMOUS poll... Get it yet?
  8. ...talkin' to yourself again? 🤔
  9. Not jealous are you??
  10. bob smith isn't on the ballot.
  11. I prefer his Brother Sing, but I can't stand his cousin Leo!
  12. None of your business. The poll is anonymous.
  13. You not an advocate of free speech then, john? and the poll has turned out overwhelmingly positive. there is nothing negative about asking a question with multiple choice answers that cover the whole spectrum.. aren't you over the moon that the vast majority of AN posters get on well with Thai people???
  14. you got a problem with dutch people?
  15. I'm not trying to. I was actually being dead serious!
  16. you mean like yourself?
  17. why would they? nothing better than a freebie! besides, prostitution is illegal in LOS...
  18. What's that got to do with anything? Are you prejudiced against people from Liverpool? Not very friendly if you are, is it??
  19. Yes. Yes, it did.
  20. Fancy a pint later?
  21. you took the words right outta me mouth!!
  22. or the extra large waistline? Surely you don't ride a sleigh to work everyday, do you? 😄 only kidding buddy..
  23. Thank you for the votes so far! It seems a decent majority do indeed get on well with Thai people. That's great! What's your secret, guys? But there is also a decent chunk (35% of total votes cast) that seem to not get along with them, or anyone else for that matter. Misanthropic or just awake? You decide!
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