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Everything posted by BarBoy

  1. I don't need to find a 'source'. Mine is hospital prescribed.
  2. you are 100% correct. I am on the road to healing, though it's gonna be a bumpy one and fraught with danger - The alcohol being a major contributor to my bad behavior but I have no intentions of giving it up any time soon.
  3. Indeed. As was evidenced yesterday... I was a bit of a naughty boy, but I survived to tell the tale.
  4. The booze cures my anxiety, as does the diazepam. it also enhances my mood, albeit rather briefly.
  5. good news indeed! Putin next please.
  6. Same to you, Johnathan, and all the very best for 2025!
  7. I am truly happy for you. I wish mine was also wonderful, but it wasn't.
  8. Tried it. In Thailand. Didn't work for me. Same as AA. So I have decided to keep the booze as a medicine and along with a little diazepam every now and again works wonders when my anxiety strikes.
  9. Thank you for your excellent reply, Gecko, and I am truly happy to hear that you have had the time and distance needed to heal your wounds. Though I haven't experienced the acceptance of the local Thai community like you have, I am nevertheless on the road to healing my soul. It will take time, but cutting ties with my toxic friends and family was definitely a smart move for me.
  10. care to elaborate? it's fine if you don't..
  11. I'm thinking about mine too, but it's cold beer for me, not a doob.
  12. If I could do it all again I wouldn't. I would have chosen somewhere other than here. But I can't turn back the clock...
  13. Thank you for your input, bubblegum, and I understand and sympathize with your situation. Great to hear that you have healed and have left all the rotten eggs behind! Well done buddy!
  14. I would tend to agree. I have met many 'unhinged' people in Thailand, especially in the bar scene, which I am a firm part of. There are much more deeply disturbed folk than I that sit on the bar stools daily, mostly they are out before breakfast, beer in hand and dressed in a vest...
  15. glad to hear it!
  16. and that's the kids fault, is it? nothing to do with the way their parents raise them?? you must know a lot of people that were psychopaths from birth then!!
  17. what kind of a human are you? how can a child intentionally bring adults pain?
  18. exactly the same here. I cut ties with the lot of them. They brought me nothing but pain.
  19. I sympathize with you buddy. And yes indeed, eff the lot of em! We cannot choose the family we are born into, but we sure as hell can change that once we are of legal age.
  20. ...weren't you supposed to be up the chimney instead? must have been a mix up with the paperwork or something 😄
  21. Thank you for the first serious reply of the day, Lacessit. I appreciate your feedback and I do agree with you that many (not all) privileged kids can be very difficult indeed!
  22. I don't post rubbish here, KannikaP. You and a few others have decided that I do in your own heads. For reasons completely unknown to me, but that is your prerogative..
  23. For me my childhood was pretty grim. Gaslighting parents/family members/friends, mental abuse, lack of emotional support, bullying (victim & perpetrator), physical abuse at the hands of my father and constant fighting on the streets. For me my youth was mostly a battleground in which only the strong survived, as it was for all the other kids on my estate. It wasn't until I severed all ties with my past, family and friends alike, that I began to heal. Alcoholism has stayed with me but I do not want help. As I suffer from bouts of severe anxiety it is more like a medicine than it is an addiction. I know my limits and I stick to them. Looking back, all in all my childhood was a complete and utter nightmare, something that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies - including MalcolmB & scottiejohn! They say everyone's childhood makes them who they are. I tend to agree. That is why I can be a little difficult at times, but the women still seem to be attracted to me, ( at least for now 😉 ) ....
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