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Everything posted by BarBoy

  1. ...Keeping up with the Somchais! Very important here.
  2. That is not their only proposal though, is it? I know many hardcore yellow shirts high up the chain in business and they are already sick to the back teeth of Mr. Sick Note and the PT party in general.
  3. I can almost hear the tanks rolling down the streets... If this shower of an un-elected government goes through with any of it's ludicrous proposals, then it is only a matter of time before the streets are a war zone once again.
  4. Glad I could be of service! You didn't spit yer brew out, did you? I'm forever doin that!
  5. There is nothing fictional about anything I write, especially on here.
  6. Over the years it has happened to me many times. Thai men, especially taxi drivers hopped up on Yaba, can get very excitable behind the wheel, especially if they haven't slept for a few days...
  7. liquid gold all the way for that pole greaser!
  8. richard_smtih is directing with chump change as executive prodcuer.
  9. This has already been cleared up. Read the thread why don't you!
  10. quite possibly yes. there will be an entire chapter devoted to those draft dodgers.
  11. arrested for writing a book? says a lot about the country we live in, don't you think?
  12. Colin Neville, Dorset. 68 (soon to be 69) years old.
  13. The Go Pro is what I have been filming my encounters on for the past 6 months. hundreds of hours of secret footage, recorded throughout Thailand.
  14. however many he would sell it would only amount to mere chump change 🤣
  15. at $10 a pop that's a cool 2k. Now if only he had added those 'lurid' sex scenes...
  16. already a glittering review and the book hasn't even been written yet! time to put pen to paper me thinks....
  17. now that's what I'm talking about about! a proper working title.
  18. you know what Geordie since everyone seems to think I am this Bob Smith character then I am actually inclined to agree with you! He must have been a top G round these parts, everyone keeps talking about him!
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