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Everything posted by BarBoy

  1. she should start with a road safety briefing instead of her no doubt predictable populist rhetoric, dreamt up by daddy when he was bored in Dubai...
  2. I am glad you believe me but my name isn't Bob... And if that was supposed to be your futile attempt at sarcasm then the jokes on you buddy!
  3. as long as this doesn't affect my weekly oil up down my local then all will be fine..
  4. Thaifriendly really has gone down hill these days. It used to be great for quick hookups - I have had upwards of 20 over the years, none of which I paid for but these days the place is a graveyard for over the hill hookers and ladyboys high on Yaba.
  5. ...Rome wasn't built in a day. I do see more and more younger Thai's waking up to the fact that religion is a load of BS, which is definitely nice to see!
  6. seen the naked Russian swimmer rescued out at sea yet? they are always in the buff, sometimes high on meth too.
  7. should've left the Russian crackpot there to swim back to shore on his own! wasting the poor speedboat drivers fuel like that, he should be forced to repay his debt and to offer many wai's publicly in front of a TV camera, preferably fully clothed this time.
  8. just to be clear I was at home last night watching porridge on UK Gold...
  9. I don't know a single Thai person that has only 50 baht a day in their pocket to live on. Most of my thai acquaintances have a daily disposable of around 5,000. They get the beers in every night but guess what? They don't buy helmets for their kids. Now what?
  10. indeed, just as I suspected. tbh I don't really care, though even someone as insensitive as me felt a little sad when I saw that baby thai girl crying and covered in blood at the side of the road.
  11. and long may it continue! Make AN Great Again!
  12. The nanny state gave me nothing except a high school education. All my money has been made from investments and business away from my native country. Now what?
  13. Mine is definitely bigger than yours, Malcolm.
  14. Because they have small willy's and small wallets and that's the best they can get!
  15. So they can afford the scooter but they can't afford the helmet? Pull the other one, fella!
  16. Morally they should be on the front-line fighting for their supreme leader instead of cluttering up the pristine beaches of this country.
  17. I'm all for competition. I'm also all for Russian ghettos. If they must stay here, then can't they all be lumped together in one big ghetto complex so they don't bother the rest of us law-abiding quiet folk? Just a thought...
  18. I take great pleasure in flashing my little red PR book at a Russian (or a thai for that matter) whenever the topic of visas is brought up. I've had so many Russians tell me they can stay here for 3 months at a time and I just roll my eyes and laugh. Clueless draft dodgers who are totally out of their depth in LOS.
  19. I know, right? He must be a great judge of character! 🤣
  20. well bully for you then!... 70.13% of AN members don't want them here! You are in the minority.
  21. Phuket is little Russia now. One more reason I will never step foot in that hellhole again!
  22. Why doesn't mark gooding highlight the despicable nature of dual-pricing and 90 day reports as well?
  23. another facetious comment.. what time does your vodka swilling session start with your Russian buddies down at the common area? try not to be too boisterous tonight, Lou.
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