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Everything posted by SLOWHAND225

  1. I recently spent 12 days on my scooter exploring Chiang Rai, loved it. I'll be back. I'll even buy you a beer !
  2. No, he's not. America has zero interest in a NWO. This is great though JUST IN: https://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1e8-1f1f3.svghttps://abs-0.twimg.com/emoji/v2/svg/1f1e8-1f1e6.svg China imposes 100% tariffs on select Canadian imports. https://x.com/BRICSinfo/status/1898182680136573145
  3. You have sources for any of that ?
  4. You can be a Patriot without having served. I served and I don't care that they got exemptions, neither do most enlisted. If someone doesn't want to be there, I don't want them on my squad. Good way to get killed
  5. Thats not what the LiberalTDS sufferers on here will tell you at all. They love to say how much America will suffer and the EU will rise up and take care of their own. Clearly they can't or they would have. This just confirms that not only can't they, they wont when given the opportunity. You're right about munitions and hardware, whats required doesn't exist in the amounts needed outside of the USA, unless they're going to get it from China or Russia. lol
  6. So very predictable https://x.com/nypost/status/1897795317833080963
  7. Good for you, I grew up next Yosemite. 40% is a far cry from 70%, but yes, we are too fat. Thats another conversation. You did manual labor, great, theres no reason anyone else can't do that kind of work. Most Americans understand that we don't pay the actual cost for anything. We would much prefer that everything not be subsidized. With that change will come pain, people understand that. Pain is temporary As for wages, go after the employers, its already illegal. They should have to pay whatever the labor rate really should be, the cost of goods won't rise as much as you think. The market dictates all of that. Basic economics
  8. Sadly, you have no idea what you're talking about. Go read the 1st amendment, you clearly don't understand it. The President doesn't need to ask that a law be enforced, lol I can't even imagine how you got there. All major university's have their own police force in one form or another. Real question for you, are you American ? I don't care but it would explain why you don't understand some really basic things.
  9. The courts have already decided on these types of protests. The 1st gives you the right to protest but blocking a road isn't legal You can protest but blocking the entrance to buildings, private or public isn't legal. You can protest but its not legal to block a sidewalk as it impedes my passage. and on and on. But you certainly should know that already, don't you ?
  10. Have you ever even been to America ? NY and California don't count. I doubt 70% is even close to correct, but so what. They can lose weight. If being out of work is a problem, I bet they figure out other skillsets just like the rest of us have had to do, and just because you seem confused about what construction actually is, very little of it involves sledge hammers. wow. It doesn't matter what kind of work you want to do, you do what you have to do to put food on the table and a roof over your head. Thats the only thing that matters. As for the type of work, they are in ALL types of work and have been for the last 40 yrs. They pay these people pennies on the dollar, very little of which stays in out country. The only way to fix it is to go after the employers. Thats why we're dependent on them, that and the fact that they let them overstay their visas and never make them leave.
  11. Why are they out of work ? They can easily go get all the jobs the criminal invaders have abandon in the last 4 weeks. I know 2 different contractors that had crews of 50 not show up for construction work. Plenty jobs to be had if you want to work.
  12. They still have free speech, that also comes with consequences for their actions. As do ALL actions. Columbia on the other hand has a responsibility to not encourage terrorist, much less give them a place to spread their disease. Why ? Because they accept federal funding, go ahead and keep doing what your doing but you'll lose all federal funds. As it should be
  13. Typical liberal, muddy the water with things that aren't being talked about because you have nothing. Then try a clever insult on your way out. So predictable. To be clear, we didn't steal them, they chose to work for us instead of death. It was a bad trade, should have killed them all. What does Elons nationality have to do with anything ? What a odd way to think. Theres a reason he's not in S. Africa doing Starlink. Hmm, I wonder what that could be ?
  14. Says the classic liberal that can't defend their position with any fact so they choose to use insults. Thanks for being so predictable
  15. What a fantasy, aside from the fact that there is NOBODY that can do what Starlink does, Starlink is so much more than the myopic view you seem to have. Hardly a death knell. It'd take the french company 10 yrs to get to where Starlink is today, they have a whopping 600 satellites in orbit, to Starlinks 7000+ and only because they bought OneWeb
  16. Good, I have zero sympathy for them. They should be worried. Bring them home
  17. Only anyone with common sense, cognitive thinking and the brain power of at least a rock. Sadly, that eliminates most libtards. Musk spoke facts, facts are the only thing that matters. Oh wait, the NASA admin denied the allegation, even though he'd have zero idea about it. Why ? Because NASA has been cut out of our space program. Why ? Because they couldn't do it. Their operating funds have been shifted to SpaceX, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin and a couple others. NASA is nothing more than a shell.
  18. Shes an American, when we moved here in November, she didn't need a Non O, at that time there was a dependent visa for retirees that had a Non O. As of January 1st, that has changed.
  19. The fact that Trump lives so rent free in non Americans heads is just epic. lol I just can't begin to imagine why you'd care at all. Funny thing is, most Americans couldn't tell you who the leaders are in any of your countries, because nobody cares. They're not stupid by any stretch, its just not important.
  20. I never said anything about shale, only you did. We have all the oil we need right here without it. Shale was the low hanging fruit to get past the granola eaters and it worked. Move the EPA out of the way and getting oil out of the ground is easy, so is modifying some of the refineries to process light crude. Its not the boogyman you seem to think it is
  21. We have been living in clown world, I've already said that.
  22. It is a failed model long term, thats not what we need. We just need to close up shop and get our house in order. Thats absolutely doable and wouldn't take a terrible amount of time. Total wag there. Thats when we'll find our true allies. Thats what matters. China is far from doing well and its only getting worse for them. Economically they are failing with a growth rate @ 2-3% not the 5% they claim. At least according to most economists. Their rapidly declining birthrate isn't helping them and they've had that issue for quite awhile, though we have that as well.
  23. Its both actually, I was in Chiang Rai a couple weeks ago and they were almost done burning the rice
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