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Everything posted by BruceWayne

  1. Cope. UK 38% overweight v 32% in Thailand. When I 1st lived in Thailand % was close to zero. Thai's are getting fatter EVERY DAY - in 10 - 20 years they'll likely overtake westerners as champion porkers - maybe not Americans but still. (though most AN readers will admittedly be dead by then). Good for chubby lovers I guess.
  2. what's so hard to understand: Anyone can become a jew (even ethnically white people like u) but NOT Everyone can become High IQ (even ethnically white people like u) Since anyone can becoame a jew the myth of hi iq jews is just that - a myth #logicalreasoning
  3. So Trump x Rogan gets a bazillion views 🤔 Meanwhile Harris just did a 'bait and switch' - promising a free Beyonce concert in an effeort to draw a crowd in Houston 🤦‍♂️ Read all about it: https://x.com/NewRebelRecords/status/1850381681661719016 Embarrassing!
  4. Worth looking into... Beyoncé-gate is real, it’s a problem, and the Democrats and Harris campaign know it. A thread... ... https://x.com/NewRebelRecords/status/1850381681661719016
  5. Problem is most rank and file jews have been heavily gaslit: Told they're high iq special boys and that everyone wants to kill them cos theyre 'chosen'. They're also taught that us 'goyim' are NOT human but cattle born to serve them (source: the talMUD). It makes for a very paranoid and narcissistic group. E Michael Jones is VERY good on this subject. - The FACT that ANYONE can convert to being a 'jew' makes the concept of high iq jew a complete nonsense Everyone can become a jew but NOT Everyone can become High IQ
  6. Or you can 'convert' Or just buy a small hat and tell everyone your jew-ISH Anyone can join! Since the term 'jew' is so loose and in't ethnic or religious it's impossible to say 'jews' (or eg Rev 2:9ers) are 'high IQ'. Everyone can become a jew but NOT Everyone can become High IQ x
  7. So are Thai women once YOUR wallet closes ; )
  8. They import them due to low local demand for isaan lasses. Saves on welfare etc. PS. YOU might like this
  9. They eat all day. Since convid most have found white knight mugs who sent them money ro spend in fast food joints. Who knows, maybe the pole shuffle did actually burn calories Thailands only competitive advantage is getting now obese. Wonder what AN posters are gonna say about western women now the locals are just as fat?
  10. NOT if you live in Israel: https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/want-to-fully-understand-your-family-genealogy-not-without-a-court-order-585230 i.e They're trying to suppress the obvious truth: 'Jew' is a meaningless term Most have zero connection with the middle east and are atheist AF
  11. Believing in the 'Big Bang' *THEORY* (space dust magically becoming space jizz magically evolving into humans) that *CANNOT BE PROVEN* is also a sign of low IQ / high gullibility 😉 PS. It's assess NOT access x
  12. How can it be an ethnic/racial group if you can convert to it? Also, if they are 'semetic' (middle eastern) why are so many of them are SO pasty / white? Jewishness makes for a great defence though - if anyone criticises you (rightly or wrongly) you can cry 'anTIseMitiST!' Would be pleasantly surprising i fyou could answer the questions above and not go adhom but I've seen enough of your posts to know what's coming : ) Go on, call me 'anTIseMetiC' or some other baseless b******* 😂
  13. Absolutely NOT. This is a great explanation: https://voxday.net/2018/04/29/the-myth-of-jewish-intelligence/ Consider "[Israel] remains economically dependent upon regular handouts from Germany and the USA. Even after 70 years, it is not the advanced society that one would expect a uniquely high average IQ society to be. The reason, of course, is that it is not."
  14. Duh - look up political horseshoe - Far right / Fear left is meaningless once it's a dictatorship. You can call it 'Far Right' if it makes YOU feel better tho x
  15. Not all heroes wear shirts : )
  16. The Smoking Long Gun... (it's in the trousers!!!) Also, how many times have you called your wife a guy's name? Barry himself is sketchy AF - Indonesia, adopted, mom's porn pics gay past, marxist (father?) mentor etc. Yep, Dem's patron saint is Sketchy AF Enjoy!
  17. Yep, it's an UNvirtuous circle: Israel bombs pallys out of their homes and resettles their land = Pallys get resettled into Europe - free hotels and spending money courtesay of white taxpaters = Tommy gets more donations because israel are bombing pallestinians into europe. = Everyones a winner ! APART from indigenous Europeans (inc. the mugs who donate to the fraudulent 'people's champion') Not that you care as your sweating it up with the fan on in your room in Thailand 👍
  18. You do realise these avatars will NEVER listen to or reason with you right? Can keep the mental faculties sharp (if yr adversaries are of a decent standard) but be careful of wrestling with pigs.
  19. https://www.timesofisrael.com/why-are-us-pro-israel-groups-boosting-a-far-right-anti-muslim-uk-extremist/ (TIMES OF ISRAEL- an ISRAELI publication) "Robinson is being bankrolled by a nexus of international organizations. Many of those groups, it turns out, are part of the American right-wing infrastructure supporting the [***]Israeli[***] cause." ... "Robert Shillman, a US-based billionaire who gives frequently to Israeli institutions, financed a fellowship that payed for a position Robinson held in 2017 with a right-wing Canadian website, The Rebel Media, according to The Guardian. (Shillman did not respond to requests for comment.) Other groups, including the Gatestone Institute, an Israel-focused think tank, and the far-right David Horowitz Freedom Center, have published a series of pieces defending Robinson. One on the Gatestone website was titled, “Swift Injustice: The Case of Tommy Robinson.” (The piece’s author, Bruce Bawer, also did not respond to requests for comment.)" ... "The support Robinson has received from a web of Israel-backing groups may be about more than just protecting “free speech.” As at least Pipes and Horowitz have made clear, it’s also about advancing his ideas." Anyway, take it down if it makes u feel beeter or more powerful or whatever - no 1 cares much about what a few boomers in thailand think anyway - and PLUS cats already out the bag on this with anyone who counts 👍
  20. Oh here we go again... Victimhood Olympics never ends - And ALWAYS the usual suspects straining their way to gold! Your lot should pipe down! Your guys hold key positions in govt, universities, media, finance and tech so it really is 'YOUR america'. Maybe its a cohencidence it's gone to s*** - or maybe not 🤔
  21. Yep - u have to love jews or "uR a aNtiSEmiTist" Honestly can't tell if it's psychopathy or Stockholm Syndrome. But as you say, the cats out the bag now and the censors are well & truly F'd. FWIW, they need and therefore encourage the hate as it solidifies group identity. JewISHness is a weird one - it';s supposaedly ethnic but you can also convert to it 🤔 Sounds like NONsense to you too? Yep. As to the OP, import the 3rd world & their ancient squabbles.....
  22. Not sure if this one is real tbh but u can make your own mind up DIVworsity.mp4
  23. 'Everyone' UK is Cold and wet for 4 months but there's these things called clothes - they keep you warm and dry in cold, wet weather. Widely available at reasonable prices apparently. It's more tricky when it feels like 50 degrees outside but I guess you could become nocturnal and/or go out cycling at the crack of dawn if you like comfortable temps but live in Thailand. Also, be careful when you go cycling - it's allegedly legal to smash old men with your car if they touch your car with their bag. Truth is there's a certain price point (poor or close to it) where living in Thailand makes more sense for men - esp. if they really really really really really value 'company'. But let's not pretend Thailand is in any way better than our home countries though - cos if you're honest, you know it ain't - living in Thailand is about being relatively poor or overly interested in company. The poster I was responding to is always pretentiously ragging on the US which is why I called him out and why he didn't respond to a couple of simple questions.
  24. Same tribe pushing it in the US were at the forefront of the Russian Revolution too. Another poster on here is a self proclaimed marxist but also cries at every opportunity at how his (presumably oppressed) wife rose up and dumped him + relieved him of his £600K house 😂 Also he's such a 'man of the proletariat that he brags about fiddling his state pension. TBH I think this 'I'm a marxist' (impossible above LARPing in a capitalist society) nonsense is just virtue signalling or a life (of jealousy for producers and providers ) spent sucking on the state's teat & hating on life's 'winners'. These 'marxist' are nuts - delusional at best. Least they could do is keep sponging off the state and keep their BS to themselves - obvs that's too much to ask for though!
  25. IIRC voting rights were. only for men and landowning men at that - guys with skin in the game. Maybe it's time to go back to that system. Many of the people on here having an equal vote to a person who actually lives in & *contributes* (present tense) to their country is a crazy system imho. Helps explains the mess though. PS. I'm a Brit - do you think, if I hoped the southern US border I'd be given free board and a full debit card? Are white skinned illegals also encouraged /. allowed or is it just for browns ? Asking for a friend ; )
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