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Free the 115

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  1. To hell with that! He hit a civilian on the road. they might think it, but they aren’t above the law. he gets the same justice as others, and THEN the pongoes can have him. which is what happened to his two buddies
  2. Rough guess is that 70% of the earth is water. None of the major oceans, seas or rivers contain significant amounts of carbonation Ergo, the Earth is flat
  3. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 218 seconds  
  4. I just completed this quiz. My Score 60/100 My Time 74 seconds  
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 30/100 My Time 204 seconds  
  6. I was under the impression that work permits would only be issued for positions where a Thai could not do the job. cant see any specialist skills in selling seats on a minibus
  7. Interesting theory. So the work sanctions applied by the Thai government don’t count if the wages are too high?
  8. I take it you do not drive up and down Threppasit Road. At each junction the pavement slopes down to allow cyclists etc to continue along the path. this also allows all other traffic to Mount the pavement with ease. At the thrappaya road end, nmotorised traffic wanting to turn left, use the footpath to avoid the build up of traffic at the lights
  9. Not saying you are wrong, because I am late to the story, but if the doors didn’t open how did the first dozen get off? just seen a photo of a child who got off and then ran back on to help his two friends. Sadly he doesn’t survive. I can certainly understand the driver having a panic attack watching children burn, and to all the amateur Fire fighting experts, unless you have been in that situation and lived, then you have no idea how you are going to react
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