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  1. Thank you so much for sharing this 🌹🌹
  2. Liverpool Lou Posted 1 hour ago "any older white male In NST, English speaker?" You mean no black men need apply No at all, if a native speaker, or even very good english speaker, for sure he is welcome, we looking for elder male with good english, prefered native accent.
  3. Thank you, appreciate your response 🌹🌹
  4. Abit frustrating that most of u are just joking about it. Our reuqest is clear guys, with respect. If u interested and met our requirments, please pm me, i will appreciate that. And we requesting that with alllll respect to everyone in here. Thank u
  5. You responses are all funny and nice, guys. Still no one is taking it serious about our request....
  6. For some low payment conversations, just practicing, me and my girl.
  7. We are looking for older white male (40 or above) living In NST, English speaker prefered with american or brit accent.
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