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leonard beaven

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  1. This is all about registing as a tax resident go to your bank give couple signatures copy of passport and update passbook and go get a beer.you just registered as a tax resident.you would then need to ensure that you do a tax self assessment before end of march.Yes I had same,once you sign your in,failure to sign could I my view negate your bank account.
  2. I understood the guard approached him,before he physically assaulted the guard by pushing him.The guard has every right to self defense,and to avoid,possible injury from a drunk foriegn person.
  3. Nobody has missed this girl for two weeks Her school hasn't missed her for two weeks.,,,,any o my kids missing for less than an hour,moreso one night or day, Surely somebody has missed her,,RIP sweetheart.
  4. Why do all you people rich or poor spen your days worrying about tomorrow.Live where ever you are and let tomorrow wait until you get there.I live comfortably with my Thai wife on a state pension,I have had two hernia ops and being unable to pay second one spoke to a government hospital,my name is on record and they allowed me time to pay.no gofund me no griping on an .
  5. 10,mill of cover,ain't you the lucky one. You try getting a policy on a state pension,even worst. With previous ailments.Yeah I know what are we doing in Thailand with only a state pension,I ask you why not?We are just as entitled as you millionaire lot,are we not,if not why not.
  6. Ohh dear the school boys are awake and bickering,the only fact here is that an idiot is leading the biggest country,without any control by his peers, so the consequences will be on their shoulders for allowing this idiot to continue,What's the old saying,,"over sexxed over paid and over here,,go home yanks. Meaningless babble over,back to the school boys.
  7. Maybe the headline should be,Mr Trump planning to build a ball's up room,,,,,,,,,
  8. Dear Mr. Trump,I have for sale one very full basket of well polished marbles.I will let you have as many as you would require to replace the many you must have mislaid. In return I would ask for the state of Kentucky,may some pardon if I happen to fall into bad company. Gard help America,cos I think no one else will.
  9. Did the yanks ever win the war in 1945,I believe that was a combined effort of many nations,who were there much earlier in the conflict.Ohh Thank you from everybody for all your help,for which Europe is still repaying.
  10. Funniest post ever read on here.laughter tears still glowing.
  11. Did we really need a lesson on automatic assault weapons,or was that advice to the teenagers on AN
  12. Just keeping up with America,any non native is entitled .
  13. Yes you can have a UK bank account,BUT,they will not send documents or replacement cards to Thailand,for security reasons.
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