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Everything posted by Talon

  1. The interesting thing for me being from the US is that there is nothing on the current form to show any deduction if all funds are derived from Social Security and/or another US pension. Yes, I know we're still waiting for guidance . . . - Will we just put zero on the form if our funds are derived from Social Security and other pensions? (No deduction line on the current form.) - Will we file, have to pay any tax due and then have to file for a tax rebate? - What documentation will be required to show that all funds are from pensions? (I would guess the 1099s, but you never know.) - If all of the funds brought into Thailand are via ATM from a foreign bank account and never deposited into a Thai bank, what documentation will be required? So many questions that may continue to go unanswered. Watching and waiting.
  2. Over 130 baht? I tip at least that much every meal. 🤣🤣🤣
  3. I've predicted that will be the next shoe to drop. Bring your TRD financial documents with you to renew your visa.
  4. The realistic view of the corrupt GOP is that no GOP candidate can win without America First Voter support. Those voters are deciding the future of GOPe Mush RATs and Do-Nothing RepubliCANTs in the House and Senate every election cycle. Those GOPe Mush RATs and Do-Nothing RepubliCANTs have considerable support within the party because they control the GOP House and Senate today -- but it won't last. The GOP Establishment is on life support, and they will not win elections without America First Voters. Trump is only the temporary leader of the America First movement. It will continue long after he's gone. Mainstream Elected Republicans need to be primaried and run out of DC. It would not hurt my feelings if the current GOP died tomorrow. They are UNIparty shills.
  5. Yes, governments with wrongheaded ideas have a way of doubling down on those ideas. We see it all over the world.
  6. The Atlantic probably didn't think that their October cover could be viewed differently by people who support Trump. But it's done. Too late.
  7. An infinite list and conga line of never-Trumpers and GOP Establishment backstabbers endorsing Harris will not change the mind of average American voters who love their country and who see the GOP Establishment globalists and Democrats trying to destroy the Republic. The betrayal of America by those endorsers is expected; and it is exactly why the opportunist Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis went nowhere in the Republican primary for president. They are members of and/or supported by all of the Establishment backstabbers. Voters knew that about Haley and DeSantis. Voters weren't fooled. Long after Trump is gone, America First voters will still decide everything regarding Republican candidates. It's an America First movement that is temporarily led by Trump. The leadership will change, but it will be America First. There are only about 40 America First Republicans currently in the GOP House and Senate who vote the wishes of their constituency. The rest (well over 150 in the GOP) are compromised in some way -- mostly bribery or cowardice or both -- and they ignore their voters. They will face retribution at some point along the way and lose their seats -- either by being voted out or stepping away as Romney and others have done. When you give Leftists a dose of their own medicine, they swear that you've poisoned them -- and they are due. They will be screaming to high Heaven over the payback that will come. And don't recognize Heaven unless they are trying to lecture Christians on Jesus, the Bible, spirituality and faith.
  8. Newton's Third Law: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. People will change their behavior as the tax rates are changed. Foreigners are "not inert blocks of wood or chess pieces that can be moved around on a chess board." There will be a reaction; and it's been tested before in other places. The spending behavior of foreigners will change (and is already changing). e.g. Foreigners will leave . Foreigners will spend less than 180 days in Thailand resulting in spending less . Foreigners who stay will bring less money to Thailand . Foreigners who stay will make budget cuts and spend less money in Thailand, which will impact VAT tax revenues for the government . Foreigners will try and avoid it through various methods It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Thomas Sowell always gets it right. Thomas Sowell on taxes and how people change their behaviors
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