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Everything posted by Carsten07

  1. I would not care much because she is my wife since 21 years and owns 5 houses. But you never know 🙂
  2. No. Browser banking with BKK Bank is without OTP after the third transfer. Mobile requires a pic taken if over 50.000. Internet banking seems to be more unsafe now than Mobile banking via phone.
  3. Bangkok Bank requires only 3 OTP with a newly added account, after this it goes through without any OTP. That should not be.
  4. It was 400.500, they left me with 500 Baht still available 🙂 Nice. Any "Banker" can transfer any amount at any time to anyone. Worth thinking about.
  5. No problem, i thought Internet Banking was much safer than the App on the phone, but maybe it is not. Inside a bank, the clerk swipes his card and can do any transaction, without pictures or limits. I bought a house and transferred 6.8 Mio just like that, Passport was needed but nothing else. Here we are at the culprit. Blaming someone at BKK Bank is dangerous but, from my understanding, this is how it happened. How else?! My PC was not hacked, all security is in place. This will end up as a scandal on TV and at Bangkok Post. Was not the first time.
  6. UOB will be following the same rules as any other bank, i don't think they are better or safer. No. Should i drop dead the plan was to transfer the 400K for Family Visa straight to another account, Logically but somehow a bit illegal. Who Cares? You? Whatever, here we have a case of not even Fraud, Advice received a certain amount of money. Nothing illegal here But after announcing it was stolen money from a hack (?) it slowly turns into completely illegal funds which should be returned asap, wouldn't you agree?!
  7. I bank with BKK Bank, as is clearly written in the OP. With BKK Bank you have three transfers, once you registered that account, after that any transfer goes without OTP anymore. Clearly not very good.
  8. Well, its digital now but i agree with your comment. What i find hard to believe is that a large company, listed on the stock market, has 340+ Outlet stores refuses to refund stolen money. There is something ethically wrong in the heads of the responsible persons! Plus its illegal in Thailand to keep money that arrived by whatever reasons in your account incorrectly.
  9. That might be but i dont have the phone app on my phone, and no passwords anyway.
  10. Happened to me also. Ali refunded immediately and i took the card off their system. Now i put in the numbers for each purchase and leave nothing with them. Was a small amount anyway..
  11. No. Lazada is cool and on the buyers side. AliExpress also.
  12. No. Was done via Online banking = Browser. No Card, no app.
  13. When you order from Advice they transfer you to your Online banking webpage. So they have no access to your account, unlike Lazada for example. After payment you must send them a screenshot of payment with the order number. And No, they have not been hacked from outside. They confirmed the money incoming and were happy about not sending out some merchandise. They refuse to return the stolen money, sit tight and wait for the storm to whither and keep the cash. Bad.
  14. I start thinking that phone banking is safer. Who would have thought that..
  15. I set the limit up to 500K because when i die my wife can get the money via transfer or ATM. Online banking requires no Photo and limits can be set at will.
  16. Just before Christmas the phone SMS beeped and 400.500 were gone, transferred To Advice IT, the largest Online seller for PC Equipment. Within the hour another 21.000 were gone, i had two accounts under the Internet banking Log On. SMS came and E Mail as well, so i thought that can't be too difficult to retrieve the money. Advice confirmed these two amounts but were reluctant to transfer it back. BKK Bank, were the money originated suggested to contact Advice. We did, and warned them to not send out anything as it was paid with stolen money. Then the usual runaround started, police report, contacting the banks (SCB is the receiving bank for Advice) etc. Advice never called back, not me and not the police. And never answered any letter send to them by police. Strange. Tomorrow i will go again to let the police request the log file, (who logged into my account and initiated the transfer). And ask Advice who placed such a large order. Its an ongoing investigation, i will keep you up when news arrive but so far: Don't leave a large amount in your account which is accessible via Browser (Internet Banking) or App (Your phone). About Advice, holding stolen money - no comment.
  17. Campbell is a quack?! Are you out of your mind? Did you ever listen to one of his many short vids? And got your own opinion instead of quoting Main Stream junk?
  18. When these vaxx came out i decided to not take the first two recommended shots. Then i had Covid or some strange feeling flu for about a day, that was in July 22. Now, in 2025 i am considering to not take the third shot, and seriously thinking about not taking the fourth and fifth shots. Did i get that right?
  19. I bought the "Black Diamond" from Emmas. Special design mattress from 3 materials, rubber / pocket spring / memory foam. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i4575192181-s18668651494.html 9.290 Baht. Excellent, medium firm and unbelievable cheap. In use since February this year and going strong.
  20. Cancers and excess mortality is on the rise, steeply, in most countries that did what in 2021?! There is an elephant in the room.
  21. Roove beetle. It has a certain Neurotoxin in its body. A friend of mine almost died after hitting it sitting on his leg, spasm, hallucinations, kidney failure and more. 3 days in ICU. Depends how sensible your body is - just dont squash it on your skin.
  22. Pacific Cross, in Patient only, 40.000 deductible, 3 Mio insured, 41.000 per year. 62 years old. Valid only in Thailand. Never claimed anything as they give nice discounts, 10%, 15%, 20% if no claim. A sickness does not have a fixed price, eg a stroke with 2 weeks ICU will cost 3 Mio if you are insured up to 3 Mio. Should you have a "better" insurance, say 20 Mio the same thing will cost 18 Mio. If you have only 500.000 a government hospital will do it for that.
  23. Yes. Thanks at all, i forwarded everything. Its a happy new expat versus the Thai bureaucracy. Lets see how we go 🙂
  24. Thanks, i told him that. He should have started much earlier...
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