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Everything posted by Krillin

  1. I hope that he makes it. His stoicism and level-headedness reminds me of the Plutarch's account of the Spartan boy and the foxes.
  2. Can you imagine if the Thai Government began effectively pre-screening would-be expats and tourists for previous arrests for violent crimes, crimes involving drugs, crimes involving rape, or crimes perpetrated against minors? ... Hmm. You're right. The tourist-based economy would take a significant hit. Yeah, maybe that's why they haven't been doing that.
  3. "Up to 80% of some villagers" have liver parasites? What in the world?
  4. The differences between the two languages and the challenges involved in providing adequate learning materials are breathtaking. - English and Thai do not use the same vowel sounds or consanants. - There is no universally utilized way to transliterate Thai words into the English alphabet, and visa-versa. - Thai is a tonal language; English is not. Thais learning English must force themselves to ignore any tones that they hear to, effectively, learn each English word in every possible tonal variety. - English words are often not spelled phonetically. - The English language uses about 170,000 words; Thai, 30-60,000. - Many, but not all, of the native English teachers in Thailand are unqualified, psychologically unwell people who sometimes have criminal aspirations. Sometimes they are not even native English speakers. - Every school day at school begins with an attendance-mandatory patriotic/religious celebration and lecture that often cuts into first-period classes, including English lessons.
  5. Thailand needs to brace for even more STDs, then. HIV rates are going to soar.
  6. This is tragic. One can only hope that somehow his neck was the first to break so as to spare him any more agony. I would also like to applaud his company for not trying to cover this up, but to publicize it so that other companies and workers might learn from the accident. I do find it remarkable that this occurred the same day and in the same city as this other grousome workplace accident being reported on ASEAN Now.
  7. Maybe it's the angle, but that ditch doesn't look deep enough to result in certain death, especially for someone who was still middle-aged. Broken bones, perhaps, but not death. Was the passenger wearing her seatbelt? Did she have a heart attack? Did her neck snap upon impact?
  8. No but for real, are both husbands legal, and if so, how?
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