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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. He lied in the process. He always lies. That's a given. Are you denying that you knew he has used those terms to attack Harris?
  2. The troll was your demanding evidence that Trump has labelled Harris a terrible human being. Grow up and own your garbage
  3. Stop trolling. You absolutely know it's true. President Trump referred to California Sen. Kamala Harris as "this monster" in an interview on Thursday, a continuation of his pattern of attacking Black women with demeaning insults. "I thought that wasn't even a contest last night. She was terrible. I don't think you could get worse," he added. "And totally unlikeable. And she is." https://www.npr.org/2020/10/09/921884531/trump-calls-harris-a-monster-reviving-a-pattern-of-attacking-women-of-color
  4. Trump has done precisely that in respect to Harris on numerous occasions.
  5. Indeed, MAGA have never been interested in unity. Their very creed is the politics of hate.
  6. The followers of Kim.
  7. Some of that's my money...
  8. In my view the allusion to shooting Cheney in the form that she should face nine barrels combined with a further allusion to shooting the press a second time in two days is indicative of a very sick state of mind. Trump needs to be psychologically examined urgently.
  9. It's all about Russia. Nothing else really, for me. I suspect most of the world feel the same way. If Trump wins he pulls 100k troops from Europe and cuts all aid to Ukraine. That's what he means by ending the war in 24 hours. He can't of course, he thinks Europe are going to do kowtow to his amazing intellectual ability rather than call in their US ambassadors or expel them. I don't think the outcome in the middle east is anywhere near as dependent upon who wins as the Russia question. Vote Trump if you want Putin to win. Simple as that.
  10. I didn't accuse you of lying, I accused you of repeatedly deflecting my question.
  11. I was not criticizing what you posted beyond complaining that nobody had the wherewithal to respond to the question I asked in a good faith manner. No attempt at all to allay my concern that mentioning shooting in relation to opponents twice in two days was even slightly problematic.
  12. I could say the same. Or mumble something about defending the indefensible.
  13. I have never deviated from this precise question. Nobody deigns to answer it as asked.
  14. That's always the goto position isn't it? He's only joking. He doesn't really mean that. You guys have no sense of humor. How did I do?
  15. I want specifically to understand the significance and apparent coincidence or otherwise of the fact that Trump twice mentioned opponents and invoked images of shooting in the space of two days. To be clear, it is utterly irrelevant to me why each comment was made in relation to the individuals criticized (I don't even know who exactly the other person was), however I was struck by the powerball like chance of this being random and without intent.
  16. All anybody on his side have said in his defense is that he wasn't talking about shooting his opponents. so what was he talking about and why was it necessary to invoke a shooting? Nobody on Trump's side seems to be able to articulate what he really meant and why he couldn't have used some imagery that didn't involve guns.
  17. I don't care what he was not talking about, I want to know what he was talking about, in both cases. What was his motive in invoking shooting twice in two days in reference to opponents?
  18. What was Trump's motive in invoking shooting in relation to political opponents twice in two days?
  19. OK, How about Trump recounting Molly Tibbetts' death 6 years later?
  20. Because the statute of limitations on reminding people of the consequences of religious extremism has passed?
  21. I though you were going to supply a cogent argument supporting your belief that support of a bail fund meant weak on crime. oh, well.
  22. Are you good with Putin doing it?
  23. Because Russia invading Ukraine after lying that it would not do so gave the EU a warm fuzzy feeling and there was no need for them to feel unsafe and stock up on essentials?
  24. Is Trump going to outlaw doctors or pass a law to shut them up?
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