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Everything posted by pattayasan

  1. Donald Trump is leading Kamala Harris in just one swing state, according to the final Siena College/New York Times poll before the election. The result, released on Sunday, shows Harris leading in Nevada, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Georgia. The candidates are tied in Pennsylvania and Michigan, while Trump leads in Arizona. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-kamala-harris-swing-states-final-nyt-siena-poll-election-1979254
  2. It's a common expression of love, just like "that pedo guy".
  3. They will vote for the other guy who supports genocide instead?
  4. Believing any poll you want is what you have just done,. can't make this stuff up.
  5. Trump makes his daily non threat threat involving guns. “And to get me, somebody would have to shoot through the fake news,” Trump continued. “And I don’t mind that so much. … I don’t mind.” “The President’s statement about protective glass placement has nothing to do with the Media being harmed, or anything else. It was about threats against him that were spurred on by dangerous rhetoric from Democrats,” Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4968655-trump-campaign-says-his-comments-about-person-shooting-through-the-fake-news-have-nothing-to-do-with-the-media-being-harmed/
  6. how so? Did Trump want to be on SNL but they refused or something?
  7. Trying to act like a gen Z because he runs a tech firm. He reminded me of Trump's daddy dancing on stage.
  8. Do you mean Trump is falling behind fast?
  9. Man, that's huge!
  10. They're women except for the ones who are not? They're black except for the ones who are not? They all like Harris?
  11. Given that women don't like to be told what to do or who's going to protect them I'de say that's very good news for Harris. Does it say how many were non binary? Asking for a friend.
  12. True, and it's reported somewhere that something like 29 million was dropped on one betting market. But that's only one bet. The next day is a whole new ball game. The trend is your friend.
  13. She may well have understood and not been prepared to carry on the conversation as she would be well outside her comfort zone. Thais are naturally non confrontational. Furthermore, as a farang, you are low in the social pecking order. Thais are no more immune to this sort of attitude than some of us are in our own countries.
  14. All those medical professionals are wrong, huh?
  15. Like how Russia said it wasn't going to invade?
  16. No but it grows everywhere in the tropics like a weed. It's a tree. Some YT vids about it in Thailand.
  17. Read about nattokinase supps too if you haven't already. The only supp I take regularly.
  18. Powdered cacao without added sugar is commonly available. Do you want to know where in Pattaya?
  19. It's almost as if MSG didn't matter. Just apart from the comedian did you see the other speakers? All cringeworthy that I saw.
  20. The doubts were raised in courts and rejected as not credible.
  21. The Hill is known for being a conservative media company. Its articles are more often highly critical of Dem policies.
  22. One of the best things about Thailand is the cheap availability of both cacao and moringa powder. I like to make a shake with soy milk, cacao, moringa powder, whey protein, etc and make a shake.
  23. Maybe that whole garbage thing didn't pan out too well.
  24. By "spoon fed", do you mean in the media? Precisely like you do? They're eating the dogs.
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