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  1. These displays have been held for years and years. Disruption is usually minimal. The rehearsals get pretty noisy when fighter jets fly low at speed above your house. The locals seem to love it.
  2. All of you who had chicken pox as a child might want to consider getting a shingles vax as you age and the risk increases...
  3. In Singapore the locals have to pay something like $150 for the casinos there. Very quiet when I've been to MBS on a weekday. Cheaper for Thais to fly to Singapore (free entry with a foreign passport) if they want to gamble legally.
  4. In the future, "I met my Thai wife while she gambled at a Bangkok casino", will replace: my Thai wife is a university professor/ international business manager/is a hi-so from a wealthy Thai Chinese family, when posting on the Aseannow forum.
  5. It's been mentioned a few times how similar systems in Malaysia, Singapore etc. work. No mobile phone, no laptop etc. no problem. Use the tablets provided at immigration on arrival. The worst thing that will happen, is if lots of people don't bother to register before traveling, you may end up waiting in line to use a tablet etc. If you can post on this forum, you have an internet connection, so most likely you will be able to register beforehand. So many people wanting to find reasons why a new system won't work are simply worrying about nothing.
  6. At Big C Future Park, there are security guards who will sometimes assist pedestrians across the marked pedestrian crossing out front. The guards have flags and glow sticks. Despite this, quite a few times I've seen cars almost hit people as they drive straight through the crossing despite there being guards escorting people across. I just don't get the mindset that makes drivers so uncaring about the safety of other people. What might help would be installing speed humps before crossings, not the slightly raised, gentle flat type but the short, sharp ones you really feel if you go over them any faster than 5 kph.
  7. Out of the westerners in Thailand Youtubers, I like Karl's Thailand for some off-the-beaten-track hiking videos. There's also Life with Serg, an American wandering around Bangkok and doing some motorcycling trips around Thailand.
  8. Something like a Samsung A15 is good enough for many people, it's why so many are sold. My niece always has the latest and greatest Samsung at five times the price. In her job, she makes use of the premium features it comes with. I don't game, and I'm not making videos for YouTube, so while I can afford $2K for a phone, it would be a waste of money. A bright high-res screen with a snappy processor, maybe a step up from an A15 is all I need.
  9. Police will simply wait at his grandmothers or some other relatives place upcountry. He will turn up there eventually if he isn't captured en route.
  10. If it's anything like Singapore, it will be far easier than you think. For Singapore, as mentioned earlier, you complete the online form before you arrive. On arrival, you scan your passport at the auto-arrival gates and breeze through; you don't have any interaction with airport staff. For anyone who hasn't completed the form before arriving, Changi has tablets available for you to submit the form at the airport. If maids from Indonesia and the Philippines can figure it out, I'm sure you will too. Tip: It's far quicker to do it online before you arrive.
  11. 1984 Honda City two seater, similar to the pic but mine was dark blue. Two-seater because that way Honda paid less tax to import them into Australia. You could add rear seats later yourself, but being a small car, many people like me didn't bother. Somehow I did Melbourne Adelaide return a couple of times, so noisy inside. Drove it for two years before moving up to a Corolla Seca.
  12. Free public transport... nice idea, but with trains on the blue line already so crowded, I think I will take a taxi to my destination next week, to avoid the crush 🙂
  13. Even now, the blue line from Bang Sue into Asok is always very crowded, not only at peak times. I use it at around ten thirty in the morning, a couple of days a week, and it is very full even then. Peak hour outward from Asok and everyone is packed in like sardines like you said, simply cannot board some trains. The Red Line isn't as crowded, but in peak hour there are no longer spare seats since they started the twenty baht fare promotion, which I guess is a good thing. The reading in northern Bangkok near me right now is 205, but I'm hoping it improves so I can venture out. At times you can smell smoke in the air. I have developed a terrible cough, so I wear an N95 mask every time I walk out the door, it's causing real health issues for me at the moment.
  14. Get on the JIB website. Go to laptops. Filter your search, e.g. price 20-30k, brands e.g., Asus, Acer, Dell. Trawl the results to find your selection of ports etc. Get an external hub like BB suggested if you require more ports than on a laptop. Buy a new external hard drive to put your movies on. Repairing your old hard drive... people mostly only try if they really, really need to recover their data. It's generally not a cheap process, if it's even viable. You could always ask at some of the small repair shops if they think it is worth a shot. JIB, understandably, is going to want to sell you a new one. I don't know TukCom, but most IT malls have at least one secondhand PC shop. You can get some good deals on three or four year old desktops with a three-month warranty. A new Win 11 desktop at JIB that easily does what you want would be around 25k.
  15. I get those messages when using certain apps. It's advertising, not system messages, so it's safe to ignore them. One PDF app, e.g. Foxit etc. is all you should usually need. If your PDF reader needed updating, it would show up with all other updates in the Play Store (Android). The only way to stop seeing these "messages" would be to delete the apps that they show up in. The problem is, they can appear in otherwise useful and legit apps.
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