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  1. The west's demand that Ukraine lower its recruiting age to 18 indicates the ugly truth. That even the press gangs aren't able to seize enough bodies to fill the UAF ranks emptied by death and desertion. Ukrainians don't want to die for US-Nato. Once Pokrovsk falls it's over. Expect Russia to take everything east of the Dniepr plus Odesa and Kharkov and leave the rest for Hungary, Romania and Poland to divvy up according to their historical claims. There won't be any Ukraine for Vance to worry about when he takes over in '28.
  2. You might want to post in the Jobs, economy, etc. forum.
  3. Fidelity used to be a simple login name + password. Since last month they want to send an OTP as well which can only be bypassed by calling them and getting voice verified, which is what I've been doing. My account has my brother's MI address and phone number and I don't want to bother him for an OTP each time. Last time I called Fidelity I asked if they could OTP to an international number ("as I am traveling and don't have access to my US phone"). No, they aren't set up for international OTPs yet. So, if I don't want to call in every time I guess my only option is to set up a US mobile no. to receive OTPs. Anyone done that? Specifically for Fidelity? Fidelity are a nosy lot and will be quick to restrict an account if they think the holder is non-US-resident.
  4. If you want a quick appointment with a decent specialist in Bkk then call up a private hospital like Bumrungrud, Phayathai 1 or 2, etc. You will be done within an hour of the appointed time. I go to the Institute of Dermatology near Victory Monument for monthly biologic shots. I was asked to sign up there by a doctor I first saw at Bumrungrud who's also with the ID. The registration process at the ID is half a day. Go early in the morning and then bounce from one counter to another. Then seeing a doctor is also 2-3 hours as you will join a line of patients. If time if of the essence and you want to see someone before you leave Thailand then I would say a private hospital is your only option. Another thought. I travel through Kolkata myself and pick up meds in India. There's an excellent skin clinic chain called Wizderm with multiple locations in Kol. If you have a day or two in the city you might want to call them up and explain your predicament and get an appt.
  5. What are the biologics available here? I know of Scapho/Cosentyx.
  6. Thanks. If the whole month ahead from today is full I am worried what the situation will be when I go in late Dec. for a Jan. slot. Last year the process was a breeze. Plenty of open slots. Weird there's not one showing for the whole next 30 days.
  7. I went to https://gov.immigration1.queueonline.net/appointment/login.html?v28 to make an appointment for extension based on retirement. The system shows Booking period: Nov 23, 2024 - Dec. 22, 2024 (FULL). But I can't seem to move the calendar from November to December or January to choose another date. My extensions expires Feb. so I have time. But shouldn't I be able to make an appointment for late Dec. or Jan. now? I know that I can go in 45 days before.

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