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Everything posted by Samh

  1. Yes I wondered quite recently how that testing was going. The authorities have been very silent after the initial tests. Wasn't there a bus crash recently of a bus crashing into a toll booth?
  2. I assume very unlikely in this case but UK overseas workers can make voluntary contributions to obtain a UK state pension.
  3. Just a thought. We have seen the evidense of the "No Israelis" signs. Why don't the businesses that are so anti tourist or so anti foreigner just put up signs saying no tourists or no foreigners we can all then boycott them and go to businesses that appreciate our custom.
  4. Not everyone in the UK has an NI number or the right to have an NI number. Then of course you should know that.
  5. Really "everyone" in the UK has a bank account.
  6. You seem to be an expert on the process. It is the best part of 20 years that I have claimed any benefits, other thaan pension, for being unemployed and it was not as easy as you make out. NI number for a start. Getting a uk bank account if you are not in the UK. Use soembody elses account I assume.
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-12081634 It used to be the case that there was a face to face interview but then the stupid DWP went online. Then wonder why there is so much fraud. And of course UK state pension is paid into a bank account. You do realise that the UK now has the legal right to look at you bank account and the banks have a legal obligation to report any suspicious activities. I imagine benefits payments in and overseas transfers to Pakistan fall under that criterea.
  8. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/nationality-at-point-of-national-insurance-number-registration-of-dwp-working-age-benefit-recipients-data-to-november-2020/nationality-at-point-of-national-insurance-number-registration-of-dwp-working-age-benefit-recipients-data-to-november-2020 Of course state pension is a DWP administered benefit so anybody in receipt of state benefit can quite legitimally be paid while not in the UK.
  9. This wasn't about illegals getting benefits it was about overstayers getting getting benefits. I am theorising given how difficult is for somebody with an NI number to get benefits how does somebody not even in the UK get benefits.
  10. Why do heavy lorries (trucks) ploughing along at low speed hog the outside lane? Every time I used to overtake and pull back to the inside lane my wife would ask why did I that. I would ask why not. Her reply the inside lane is bumpy.
  11. That I really can't understand. For a legitimate UK nationals the hoops that you have to jump through to get benefits yet an illegal with no National Insurance number even seems to have no problem. How do the access the NHS? I know the issue of UK pensioners living in Thiland comes up getting annual pension increases from time to time but given the number of benefits claimants who aren't even in the UK how does the DWP think it can track every pensioner?
  12. Kept his nose clean. Sounds like good citizen, not like a lot of Thais, or like most of the tourists, if you believe the Thai meda.
  13. This stuff is brilliant. Never seen anything so funny in ages. Guess what happens.
  14. In the follow up videos, why after an accident do the Thais instantly start a fight? Are Thais that deranged and violant that the instant response to an accident is to start a fight.
  15. Zelensky hasn't been invited to the table.
  16. I thought that he was refering to a bike also.
  17. I don't suppose for one nano second the US was giving the miltary aid for free and was expecting some pay back eventually.
  18. Public sentiment was ouraged when a known terrorist was allowed to stab three young girls to death and attempt to murder another 10. He was known to the authorities who did sod all to stop him. Are you saying questions shouldn't be asked of the do gooders?
  19. I hope that you are not suggesting the public should not be indignant about a load of do gooders leaving Axel Rudakubana free to commit those horrific murders.
  20. True but the Government has the safety of the public in their mind. A bunch of do gooders have other ideas. Example Prevent and Axel Rudakubana.
  21. Like the authrities could manage Axel Rudakubana
  22. A well known fact in the uk at least. Search for it. Should take all of 5 seconds.
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