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Everything posted by Samh

  1. And I bet the dont mention that Britain and the Empire and France were at war with Germany from 1939 and that at the same time that Germany invaded Poland that the SU also invaded Poland. Oh and Finland.
  2. As was Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill in World War II. I don't recall them being called dictators. Nothing wrong when your back is against the wall in a war against a tyranical dictator to suspend elections.
  3. I noticed when moving from Ranong to Phang gna that whilst the rubber trees in Ranong had no or very few leaves in Phang gna they were all green. Then moving on to Surat Thani they were devoid of leaves in Surat thani.
  4. Now a criminal offense in the UK if you report the ethnicity of a criminal.
  5. And now it has to be peoplego.
  6. Captain Corelli's Peopledolin
  7. Thailand had better start referring to peoplegrove swamps.
  8. Neutral gender identity arrives in Thailand now.
  9. All things that Thais do to excess. Driving around Thailand and observing motor cyclists you would think it was mandatory NOT to wear a helmet.
  10. In Ranong province for a few days and almost every rubber plantation I have seen the trees look as though they are dead or dieing. Whole plantations with trees with no leaves or very few. Just wondered if they shed leaves in the dry season?
  11. It was in Ranong. Not a recent photo. Found it on my computer when I was looking for something else. My wife at the time and I were having some land cleared. Judging by the photo the work man was taking no chances and gave it one hell of a whack
  12. What sort of snake is this apart from a dead one?
  13. Yes only clamped down after a Chinese nation was abducted and Thailand's lord and master China insisted that they do something do they get their arse into gear.
  14. Took a close look and no signs of any cracks, no damage on the outside at least. He just pointed out that the manufacturing code indicated 5 years old.
  15. Right the dumb stupid Britih Government spent billions on either sub standard PPE or PPE that never even got delivered. Most of the companies ran by mates of the British politicians.
  16. Yes I suppose in Thailand that is far more of an issue than the UK.
  17. How strange that you bring up WW1 that killed 15 million to 22 million but didn't mention Spanish that killed 25 million to 50 million. WW2 killed far more than WW1 and not mentioned.
  18. I haven't had a close look but I will check. I am amazed how little tyre wear there is a a 5 year old tyre.
  19. I was not aware of this before probably because back in the UK my annual milage means that I was unlikely to get as many as 3 years out of tyres as they were just too badly worn. Last year I bought a second hand Altis that has loads of tread on the tyres but is was pointed out to me that the tyres are more than 5 years old. Seriously how big an issue is that? I can only assume who ever had this car before did very few miles in a year or when new tyres were fitted they were near to the 5 year limit.
  20. I wonder what the antivaxxers whinged on about prior to 1796? Probably burning witches. Or more likely they were the witches.
  21. I read that is was available. No doubt you are automatically against a vaccine that has the potential to save hundreds of millions of lives.
  22. https://www.who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/q-a-on-rts-s-malaria-vaccine There you ago another conspiracy for you to de-bunk. I suppose the WHO are liars.
  23. Another way https://www.rusi.org/explore-our-research/publications/commentary/new-frontier-organised-immigration-crime-and-uk-sanctions "Action Task Force sets out a typical way in which funds are moved: the migrant, or a family member, may visit a hawala dealer (also known as a hawaladar) to pay a fee in advance of the journey, likely handing them cash. The hawaladar will hold onto the funds and then disburse them to the criminal network once the journey has been completed, usually by contacting a hawaladar in the criminals’ country who will provide them with the same value in cash. Unlike other types of criminal activity, the criminal networks running the smuggling operations may have less control of the end-to-end process, but use a series of providers for different elements of the service, necessitating regular payments to suppliers which may often be sent via the hawala system too. While there are legitimate uses for the hawala system and it often provides the only money transfer solution – for example, for the transfer of migrant remittances – an inherent lack of oversight means that it is easy to exploit, whether to launder money, fund terrorism or evade sanctions. "
  24. I give up. The next time I can barely get out of bed I must remember to go for a jog wearing a bin bag. Probably the fasted way to get stopped and certified and taken the local luny bin. Where you should be.
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