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Everything posted by Samh

  1. Really struggling to make an online puchase of some USB cables. For some reason I have to give my Company/Personal Tax ID. I am a tourist for goodness sake. Can somebody give me a typical Tax ID so I can complete this puchase for 276 baht then I can carry on with my life.
  2. So covid was no risk at all. Why were so many infected with covid dropping dead?
  3. My thought. There were probably very few older people who weren't vaccinated given the very high risk of covid in the UK.
  4. We all know what recognise means is the diplomatic sense.
  5. I worked in an office once and one guy would come in in the morning and put down a number of packets of cigarettes. I don't mean a couple, 4 5 of 6. When he went home they were all gone. But the joke was he arrived at 10 and left by 4.
  6. I have only ever seen this on back up drives. As you say, might just as well try it.
  7. My gf wants to charge up this old Samsung to see if it works. I don't know what you call it but it looks like the type of USB I have see on back up drives. A micro USB fits one half of the socket but not the other half. I assume that is a clue so can I fit a micro USB to the side that it fits to charge up the phone?
  8. Right. Leaving piles of litter is reserved exclusively for the Thais.
  9. NOT that I want to go there but who controls the border? I assume not Myanmar Immigration. Thais can make a land crossing to Myanmar but not Farangs I assume. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c04nx1vnw17o For there to be some sort of border crossing, otherwise why is it there, how does Thailand recognise the Karen state?
  10. I did a job once in hospital works department. I had to do surveys for upcoming maintemance work. I had to survey the area that was the rehabilitation unit which in those days permitted smoking. I had to do an estimate the cost of repainting it. The white painted ceiling was actually brown. It then dawned on me that pubs in the UK didn't have ceilings that were actually painted brown.
  11. I went to Japan in 1998, long after most international airlines had banned smoking. But ANA still permitted smoking in the back of the plane. In Japan they share tables in restaurants so the wife and I shared a table with two smoking Japanese women. Asia out smokes the rest of the World and some, even now.
  12. Same with me. Home to Heathrow 30 minutes. For Gatwick drive 30 minutes around the M25 right past Heathrow, drive for another hour M25 and M23 to get to Gatwick. Taxi Watford to LHR £45 to LGW £70
  13. Yes I realise that now based on another thread. Only really went there as it was close and the gf goes there often so wanted to show me. Like I said, been to Thailand, Loas, Burma as it was then, Viet Nam (North and South), Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore. But Never Cambodia.
  14. Can you actually phone 0800 numbers from Thailand? I have had problems in the past with 0800 numbers. UK credit and debit cards specifically list a non 0800 number for callers from outside the UK.
  15. Poi Pet. It wasn't a border bounce however I was going to have to get an extension or do a border bounce at some point. I still had 15 days to run on the 60 day entry. Back ground. Cambodia is the only SE Asia country that I have never been to. I was staying in Rangsit near the Rangsit Nakhon Nayok road and went with the gf for a day trip to Nakhom Nayok. She is a licenced tourist guide and when work is short she goes to work escorting day tripping Thais to go to gamble. She organises their visas. When we were at Nakhon Nayok she was saying this was the way to Cambodia and suggested we went another day. Hence the over night trip a few days later. Just to knock Cambodia off my to do list.
  16. I did a one night stay in Cambodia. I was still well within the 60 days of my visa exempt entry so no need to have done a border run. I still got the third degree by Thai Immigration when re-entering Thailand.
  17. "Officers are now actively seeking out anyone who may have known the couple during their time living in Sprotborough, South Yorkshire, and Preston, Lancashire, between March and October 2004. The investigation hinges on piecing together their lives before Lamduan’s untimely demise." Why didn't they do that when they first discovered who she was and the husband became the suspect. 21 years on they want people to provide informaton on the couples life style.
  18. How many wives walk out on husbands? Mine did. Should have I reported that to the police.
  19. What has happened about the illegal modifications to buses with CNG? Has that been quitely forgotton about. A noisey exhaust never killed anybody.
  20. I looked on the DWP web site and it mentioned the choice was weekly or 4 weekly. I applied to get it weekly as I was struggling to budget on a 4 weekly basis. Even monthly would be better, at least you know where you were instead of the stupid different day in the month. But I only got it every 2 weeks which a lot better that 4 weekly. Better off in my bank account than in the DWP's.
  21. Isn't the registration automatic now. Unless you notify them it has changed it just rolls forward. It does for me but I live in the UK.
  22. How do you get paid weekly? I got paid every 4 weeks so I said I wanted to be paid weekly which I thought I was entitled to. But they only pay me every 2 weeks.
  23. Flights from London to Thailand are pathetic. Eva as good as they are or Thai twice a day then BA from Gatwick. A fat lot of good that is.
  24. I hope she has been made aware of English law. If she is offered a sum before going to court but she rejects it but then the amount offered is less than the amount the court finally offer then she gets the lower amount. BUT she has to pay her own costs. If the two sons are savvy they will make a generous offer. If she gets awarded less then she pays her costs. So wont be left with much. If she loses then she pays her costs and the son's costs.
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