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Stiddle Mump

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About Stiddle Mump

  • Birthday 11/11/1924

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    Ban Phon Yammie

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    Ban Thom

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  1. They don't; but those filthy jabs do. The OP mentioned 'measles'. Just to point out that measles was fatal for 1 in 500,000, before the jab was introduced into the US. Pretty soon after, that ratio went to 1 in 10,000. Now it's even less. The UK's NHS say measles kills one in 100. Hello!! Any white-coats listening?
  2. It's not in the 'off the beaten track' section. But I'll risk posting. All I can say is; ''poor kids.''
  3. Great pics as usual Chris. This one especially.
  4. Is it better to keep it in the fridge or the freezer? If yer puts it in the freezer, a square lasts longer in yer mouth.
  5. Why can't a plane fly around the coast of Antarctica? Is it because a plane can't fly 120,000 kms in one go? I've looked, and I can't find any flights.
  6. Well, that just about proves it. Begs the question; what else, that we take as given, is simply not true. I'll go further; a hoax! Great research Rattles.
  7. Right you are Mr Rattlesnake. Eight inches sounds about right to me. Although a light might be useful. Can a lazer be directed across the great lakes from Canada to the US? If it can, then that's a long distance. And a whole different jar of mustard. Why can't a plane fly around the 'coast' of Antarctica?
  8. Sorry Billy. Read the thread incorrectly. I'll get onto Mr Rattlesnake about this as soon as I've finished me Lao Khow. But, if you do want to know about sums and stuff, just ask me. I was professor of mats at Dagenham Dock Uni.
  9. What do you want to know Billy? Might this help? The volume of a sphere is as follows: D x D x D x 0.52 (more accurate 0.52375) where D = diameter
  10. Another poster on this topic said you cannot. I trust his judgement. Trips in the Northern Hemisphere are much shorter than trip of the same distance in the Southern Hemisphere. Can't get away from that.
  11. Still can't get over the flights in the Southern Hemisphere. Why cant the planes fly direct from New Zealand to Cape Town?
  12. It's all www ain't it?
  13. Is this why I can't log into wise.com?
  14. Good plan. Make the youngsters realise that money don't grow on tree anymore. Who needs trees, when there is a benevolent government anyway?
  15. Dogs have been traumatised. Many offended. RSPCA should get involved.
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