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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. There is more to the brain's resting activities than we know for sure. The brain is like one of those old filing cabinets. During our waking day, millions of bits of info come in. From our senses, but also through our thoughts and reasoning. Each one is on a bit of paper, and by the time we retire to sleep, there is a big heap on the floor. During sleep the info from our senses - now bits of paper on the floor - is gradually filed away into the appropriate compartments in the cabinet. And when we awake the paper has gone and (hopefully) all is stashed away in the correct places in our memory bank. To be accessed as we wish. Water is one of the keys in the overall process. It allows the brain to move stuff around and keeps us in good mental health.
  2. Don't have to be a doctor to see common sense. After reading these posts, I don't reckon you will have another covid jab. We have done our job in educating AN members. Up to them now.
  3. Mister Owl left AN and moved to TT. The diary continues over there as 'Snaps in the Isaan Boonies'.
  4. I like the sound of ducks. Ducks can be trained to make music. There was a quacking duck song in the charts a while back.
  5. Interesting researcher is Naomi. She spoke out early on about the ingredients of the covid-19 jabs. And we still don't know what's in them. Last count there were 60 different substances involved. But each batch appears to be different. So Graphene Ozide (for eg) could be in one jab and not in another. Terrible for some of the people (women especially) who were harmed.
  6. The table I bought had little screws underneath. After a few packings away, one came out (lost) and the table became unstable. I was told by Fatima, a girl friend, - later to become my lover - that later versions of the table had more robust fittings. I'm in no way doing COSTCO down. A friend bought a Christmas Tree in the Essex COSTCO and had many happy years with it. We had a wholesaler in London called Food Giant. Did great mince pies. But the one in Cricklewood became a B&Q.
  7. Just a couple of points. What is the underside of the earth if it is not spherical? If it is flat(ish), why does the water in the oceans not permeate through to the underside? If that happened would there soon be no oceans.
  8. Bought a table once in COSCO in outter West London. Fell apart. Waste of money.
  9. Once underway. the 'pandemic' was driven by PCR testing. No testing = no cases. Lots of testing = many cases. Is the pandemic still causing havoc Down Under? No! Going by the OP. Still - after all this time - it's still not clear how it all got off the ground. Just who was driving the whole thing?. Personally, I'm of the view that it as planned a while earlier. Getting emergency status was crucial. But inevitable in the nig picture IMO. And I reckon PCR testing was also on the blueprint. In late 2019, people in the know started making their moves. Moderna is going to be big in 2020. How did they know that? Share prices rocketed in late 2019. And Israel was up to speed on it all. So much so, that the Times of Israel newspaper had a heading in late November that said there was a pandemic on the way. Can't turn the clock back. But can the Ozzies learn from the covid fraud?.
  10. Alex Belfield got 5 and a half years for opposing the BBC. Two tier system.
  11. Looks like Google could get all the remaining Bitcoins then. So the chip is super fast. But can it measure the area of a circle using just a sack of Isaan rice?
  12. Before you go Richard, please point me to a paper that demonstrates that a virus (any virus) has been isolated. And please not the American CDC. They are for the chop very soon.
  13. Of course bacteria are alive. Who is doubting that? But vaccines are based around the idea/theory that a virus causes disease. I say they do not.
  14. But look what we have lost! Primarily. seeking the help and advice of nature. some of these white-coats need to get out into the woods and start observing (and learning).
  15. Viruses are part of the body eliminating dead and decaying cells and tissue. They are dead matter. They cannot be brought back to life in a Petri Dish. But do they serve a function? I'm researching this at the present. What we have to do Richard, is to stop the decades old nonsense that governs our health systems, and keeps us from fully appreciating what nature has to offer.
  16. Most of the 'facts' that I've seen posted on this thread, supporting viruses and vaxxes, are nonsense. Many of the 'facts' are in fact myths. Perpetuated by well paid virologists, compromised white-coats, Big Pharma and elites (making even more money). A well person is not a Big Pharma customer.
  17. The plumber did more for public health than most white-coats. Garbage disposal helped too. There are reasons why we get sick. I'm reluctant to use the word disease as it's meaning has been hijacked and leads one to thinl of contagion. I don't mind answering in-depth why we get sick/ill, and what we can do to return our bodies back to good health. Perhaps another thread would be more suitable. Beyond the scope of this one. I'm also up for debate on why the heart does not pomp blood around the body. And try this for size; why viruses actually keep the body in good order. More on these two later perhaps.
  18. I've looked. The two science groups i belong to have looked. Lots of independents have looked. There are NO papers anywhere that show the isolation of ANY virus The virologists have adopted the Enders approach. And chucked Koch Postulates and science into the dustbin.
  19. Good response Sir. Could I finish the last sentence for you differently? ''Without the above vaccines'' - humans would be much healthier.
  20. There is no such thing as a SARS cov-2 virus. It if simply made up nonsense. There is also not a flu virus. Or a common cold virus. Actually the flu is good to have. The body is getting rid of all the undesirables that have built up, and stored away, for a year. Where are you getting this nonsense from? You prefer to get your info from people that don't agree with me?! That's OK. I can go with that. But if you want thought-provoking posts; keep watching.
  21. Great post there Sir. I'll not respond to every point. But just a couple if I may. The polio virus you speak of was never found. A white-coat (can't recall his name) ground up the backbone of a youngster that had allegedly died from a polio-like sickness. This soup was then injected into the brains of a couple of monkeys. One survived; the other didn't. To say this is a scientific study is nonsense. Read the original transcript. The Enders experiments of the 50s set the tone for viological experimentation. No isolation. No control. I m fully aware of how PCR works. It is not a diagnostic tool; and nor are those before or since that proport to show whether a virus is present or not. To find anything, there first has to be something that it can be matched to. It was used to drive the 'pandemic' fear along. A lot of testing = a lot of cases. No testing = no cases. There is not a disease called rabies as far as I'm aware. Not to say dogs (especially) don't get sick. And not to say that you would want stuff breaking through the skin if you do get a bite. A wipe down with alcohol would be fine for me. But if the rip/tear was deep it might need to be stitched. Would do that myself, if I could. I'll not have any unnecessary injections thanks Richard. Or trips to any hospitals for trivial things.
  22. Ah yes! The Spanish flu. Interesting topic that. Deserves a thread of its own.
  23. None for me?! Because you don't agree with me. I don't accept the general explanation of why we get sick. When we do, I don't agree with the white-coats on what we should do about it. I do not agree with what the white-coats say we should do to avoid getting sick. I'm against the WHO. They seem more interested in helping companies get richer than actually making the world less sick. And perhaps more importantly; avoiding sickness in the first place. So Sir. What is there that I agree with but you don't? Never mind the one-liners; let's debate.
  24. Dr Vernon Coleman is a very well respected doctor. He has stepped on many toes with his words. They tried to shut him down many times. In saying that; I don't agree with much of what he has to say. But on the 'covid is the rebranded flu' I agree. There is no test that can detect something that does not exist. don't know where you got that nonsense from Sir. A so-called 'virus' is indistinguishable from general cell and tissue debris.
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