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Stiddle Mump

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Everything posted by Stiddle Mump

  1. It's strange indeed. There was a report that a US couple in 2021, were convinced that the death of their 12 year old, just a week after getting a covid shot, was just a coincidence. I thought at the time, that the white-coats had offered persuading words. Those idiots that let their kids get vaxxed, especially those that were sickened afterwards, will live with their poor decisions all their lives. Nightmares are made of this. The sorry case of Tiffany Dover also springs to mind.
  2. This is, on the face of it, good news. I'm thinking that some crucial documents went walkies a long time ago. Better not to hold any breaths. Hope I'm wrong. Moon landings next.
  3. Certainly looks that way just after half way. I agree that Wolves and Toffeez will get away with it. Is this the the second time running that all three promoted go down? I'll check that. Have Toffeez moved into their new ground yet? Would be a bit of a downer if their first match. in the new stadium. is in the Championship.
  4. What I'd like to see is The Reform party with half the votes. The Worker's Party with the other half and one independent holding the balance; Andrew Bridgen.
  5. Can't see man getting to Mars. But; in saying that, The great British philosopher Ali G, recons we will soon be going to the sun. ''That's stupid,'' say some scientists; ''it's far too hot.'' But Ali reckons we could go during the winter when the sun's not so hot.
  6. Don't think Jingthing dislikes The Don at all. Not going by his posts.
  7. Indeed! This 'keep them all sick' started about 130 years ago. in the US especially, there were big drives to get rid of the medical people who cured through natural means/methods. The big hospitals got their own resident 'white-coats' schools and gradually Big Pharma became a Big Business; taking over the medical curriculum and funding.. TBH, with you TBL, I think we humans are probably as unhealthy as we have ever been. The new medical procedures are nothing more than Big Pharma money-spinners; as you say. And you are right about the news. It's all to keep our vibrational energy at the wrong level.
  8. I think we should have a; 'chuck your smart-phone in the drink' day. Are people happier than before the mobile? We must get back to what is important in life. Nutritious food, fresh water, clean air, hopscotch for the girls and hi-jimmy-knacker for the boys. When i was a kid we would play football for hours at a time. The girls would go happily skipping along the paths. I can only recall one fat boy in all my years at school. Now look at the state of play.
  9. Reckon all those ladies, who took the jab, of child-bearing age, should start detoxing; NOW! As for the vaxxed men. Don't think it's quite so serious, but start a fasting and detox programme ASAP.
  10. What say I? You got it completely and utterly wrong Owl. The three promoted clubs - that you said would all survive - occupy the bottom three places. I don't think you know anything about football.
  11. Very difficult to avoid EMFs in today;s lifestyle. Have to be aware and sensible. Remember the body is a mix of energy sources. Chemical, vibational and electrical. There is also the more mystical hormonal and feelings aspects. To keep a healthy state we must do certain things; as listed above. But there is more to it. Love not hate for one. Laughter. Kindness. Compassion. All go to make a healthy person. Also the time of the month. We are 90+% water. The moon has an effect on us that we are only beginning to understand.
  12. He was the sweetest son his parents could have wished for.
  13. Unfortunately my associate Dr Simone Gold, did jail-time for doing the right thing for the people. Quote from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simone_Gold ''On January 5, 2021, Gold spoke at a rally in Washington D.C., telling attendees to refuse to be vaccinated for COVID-19. The next day she took part in the Capitol attack. She spoke from the rotunda of the Capitol. She was later arrested for her participation in the storming, having admitted she entered the building. She eventually pleaded guilty to a federal misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days in prison and a $9,500 fine.'' Hope The Don will put right this injustice.
  14. Wow! If my Mrs thought it was that easy, I'be be brown breaded for sure.
  15. When the Earth does its regular 15 degree, South to North spin, then Antarctica will become a habitial continent again. And where will be the new North and South extremes? It's not a quirk that The Don is talking about Canada and Greenland. There is so much un-scientific stuff about. Mostly from entities that have a finger in the pie somewhere.
  16. So who is number one? I'll take an educated guess; the USA.
  17. Bank on the money there Sir. Avoid ladyboys too. Avoid doing dodgy things if you are on overstay.
  18. Best not to have a mobile. They can track you. Come after you. Imprison you. Suicide you. Just ask Epstein.
  19. Bang on the money there bud. I've overstayed and had to simply pay 500 baht for each day. Certainly seems an overkill. Best not to upset these Thai women.
  20. No rain up here in Isaan for the last 111 days. Last year it was 119 days before the drought broke.
  21. Don't overstay! A reminder to all farang.
  22. She's a lovely bit of stuff. Any red-bloodied man's wet dream. Still fertile well into her 50s.
  23. Spend the day under a cold shower. Or, sit alone and listen to CNN until the fat lady sings.
  24. Indeed. I'm not voting for those bar girls. False eyebrows, straight noses and plucked under-arm hair. It's not just superficial beauty either, where the farm girls come out on top. Just watching a young girl coaxing a big buffalo to go left, when the beast wants to go right, is simply breathtaking. There are attuned to nature, and although some are partial to a dog dinner, we must keep in mind, that everything returns to mother earth eventually.
  25. Can't blame the cold spell on the low temperature alone. I say it's the wind. As for rain; none for 110 days, in my area.
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