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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. If he wasn't scared, he would go and say that to their faces with no fear. TRY at least to show some intelligence. If he was told that all he needed to do was to apologise to the girl or to get arrested, which do you think he would choose? There is nothing that indicates he was told that all he needed to do was to apologise. I don't need to make things up and pretend what was said and written in order to prove my point. If you can show me where it was stated to him that all he needed to do was to apologise, I'll be happy to concede. But you cannot and since the premise of this story was that he was given the opportunity to apologise before being arrested, proof of that opportunity should be central to the article. I'd say because it was likely not made clear that a simple apology was all that was necessary.
  2. Yes, that's what happens. The difference is only the new people at the trough. Nothing to do with Left or Right. Only when the argumentative idiots see and understand this will there be a sea change. By Argumentative Idiots I mean those who divide everything into Left and Right. Us and them. Dems and Republicans. It's so banal and ignorant of reality that it's simply not worth trying to hold an intelligent conversation with the mad extremist types. They think they are normal. For them, everything the Dems/Republicans do is wrong. Though to be fair, it's usually those who identify as being on the Right who are the worst offenders. I agree with some of the things that RFK Jnr stands for. Do that mean I have to agree with everything he thinks? That's how they behave here. It's infantile. It's either all one way or nothing. Moronic.
  3. Yes, you did make this up: You added the bit at the end by yourself. There is no evidence that shows that he understood that he only needed to apologise and nowhere is it stated that he refused to apologise. Further to this, you've now added as if he stated that. I have made it clear that I was stating that he probably was not informed that all he needed to do was to apologise to the girl. It seems more likely that he was afraid what could happen to him if he went in. Also remember that these words were relayed "through his agent". Don't allow your emotions to blind you from reality.
  4. Excuse me? Which one of us is a TROLL? So I'll ask you again.... Do they have a Soi 6 on Phuket now or are you just visiting?
  5. I wouldn't complain. I would hand it back to them stating "Cannot eat...change". But realistically, I wouldn't be buying cheap steak in the first place. Cheap steak is for braising and slow cooking. At the very least, learn how to tenderise cheap beef steak before deigning to serve it to paying customers.
  6. Beef is around 240 baht per kg. It's up to them to choose/order the right cut and to treat it accordingly. If not possible to chew it should be be struck off the bill. Price is irrelevant.
  7. Do they have a Soi 6 on Phuket now or are you just visiting? Your question does not compute. Any reason for avoiding mine?
  8. You are looking pretty 'out there' yourself, with your over the top descriptions. Pot calling the kettle black?
  9. Weak...very weak. Do they have a Soi 6 on Phuket now or are you just visiting?
  10. Perhaps(almost definitely) it was all his money in the first place. He had already flown. He was returning.
  11. Perhaps they don't know. Do you think the NI outlets have reporters in Thailand? The family chooses to not say. Why should they? They have stated that his injuries are 'fatal'.
  12. Two different people in differing incidents.
  13. Or it could be that I was simply helping you to understand that you made a mistake, wherein you could have accepted gracefully. Alternatively, you could act like an ego driven character who cannot accept that they made a mistake and instead make a mountain out of a molehill, even going as far as referring to 'forum rules'. Can humans get even more pathetic? I'm sure you are one who rails against PC....but here you are...
  14. Make a mockery of the whole 'opposites' argument doesn't it? Idiots don't seem to understand that they are being taken for a ride. Always looking to make enemies of their fellow humans.
  15. What was the smaller amount that you purchased from them?
  16. Perhaps you should stop making things up and wasting my time with your pointless argument. Nothing about not wanting to apologise. So obviously he was scared as to what might happen.
  17. I'm saying that if he knew that all he had to do was apologise, it seems likely that he would do that, rather than allow it to escalate. So perhaps he was scared of going to the police station. Maybe his words came from not wanting to attend. Bravado, but fearful. Either way, still an arse.
  18. Did you see a video of him saying it? Otherwise, how would you know? You just swallow everything that you read with no thought process?
  19. Yeah...such a touching statement. Delivered in a matter of fact manner. Then straight on to multiple posts about the money. Why not just leave it, rather than coming out with such a disgusting and uncalled-for accusation? What is it to you? Did you lose a son? It's just who you are.
  20. They is nothing that you have written that indicates that you care about anything other than the money.
  21. I don't understand because you are so intelligent that no one else could possibly understand? Or could it be that it's just a pile of steaming horse dung? Same dung, different day.
  22. Yes, so nothing to do with you. You don't care about the boy dying, only about the fact that so many have decided to donate. Somehow them having access to that money has triggered your jealousy gene. Repulsive really.
  23. Do you imagine that I would actually read what looks like another of your rants?
  24. Comments here from certain members are just sickening. Perhaps good to be reminded of the kind of people who roam this earth.
  25. Or you could just grow up and stop playing at being a judge.
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