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Everything posted by Centigrade32

  1. No. They(Canada) are just continuing with their usual border plan. The only difference is a Fentanyl Czar and a joint task force. It's just Trump tactics to make it look like he forced an agreement. But he did nothing of the sort. Canadians were ready for the war, Trump wasn't.
  2. Rubbish! The meaning of the word hasn't changed at all. It's a Far Right troll. Even Trump states most people using it, have no idea of it's meaning. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/woke-conservatives/story?id=93051138
  3. I don't want to say don't. But, don't. You are putting the horse before the cart. Forget about any kind of business and focus on your actual relationship. If it's based on money, you only have yourself to blame. Move to an area that you love, rather than where she lives. If that doesn't work for her, get rid. Once settled, you can see the lie of the land and what might work. Don't listen to her. Meaning take note of what she says, but don't follow. Lead. If you don't you'll regret it.
  4. They didn't write "high". They wrote "CBD heavy". The strain(Tanao SriKan Daeng) mentioned might have perhaps 5% CBD and perhaps 0.25% THC. CBD heavy. 😊 Cannot say that I've seen it of late.
  5. But I like to give them an opportunity to turn it around and show that they really do have something to say. Sadly, there seems to be nothing between their ears. Merely cheerleaders.
  6. I see no evidence of either Mexico nor Canada caving. What I do see are seemingly unintelligent people not looking at the detail or knowing and simply pretending otherwise. Which one is you? Please explain to me what Trump has won in both these cases. Both from an economic point of view and a common sense one, if you are able.
  7. There is no such thing as 'Woke extremism' It's just bastardisation from the Far Right and the idiots that have adopted it. Example. When Russell Brand was going through his ordeal, those on the Right supported him. He moved to Rumble and at the end of one of his videos, he said "stay woke". So what do you think he was saying? Move to the Left? Using the word 'woke' in a negative sense, is just a Far Right tactic to demonise certain sections of society by lumping them all together....even if they have nothing to do with each other. leading to a polarised society. That's why the halfwits here only see one side or the other. There's no nuance or middle ground. It's too much for their brains to handle.
  8. I would say the real idiots are the ones that fell for the Far Right tactic of changing the meaning of words in order to attack their perceived enemies. Woke means to 'be aware' and has nothing to do with LGBT nor the Left. People like yourself just spread the nastiness and stupidity.
  9. It doesn't get better with you, does it? This is obviously the limit of your ability to discuss.
  10. Just hoping for an intelligent discussion with adults, rather than a mentally deficient child.
  11. Yes, everything the same. The 10,000 people mentioned were and are already in place. Canada in enacting is OWN border plan, as usual. The difference is that Trump is announcing it as if it's something that he has achieved. When you look at the Canadian announcement, they state the 10,000 people are already working. So you are talking about appointing a Fentanyl Czar and working together to combat crime etc as if that wasn't something that was happening before.
  12. What is wrong with you? 😊 You act as if you are in the school playground. Exactly the type of character I described in my previous post.
  13. But they didn't, did they? Trump has a habit of claiming victories when there were none and credit for other people's work. If you look closely at the statements, you will understand that nothing different has been offered. In fact, Canada says the people are already in place. Naming a Fentanyl czar? Whoop dee doo. The amount of Fentanyl coming in from Canada is miniscule in comparison to Mexico. So in which way has Canada folded? Similarly Mexico. In fact the USA has to help Mexico with the flow of weapons into Mexico. What really strikes me in these threads, is the infantile behaviour. It's like they think they are watching a football game and want their team to 'win', no matter the cost. Even if they aren't winning, they'll pretend they did. Instead of all coming together to discuss what is good and what is not so good, they just ignorantly rant about Dems and Lefties. It's really quite pathetic.
  14. Disingenuous untruth. "Upgrading your notebook to suit Microsoft" was not even mentioned at the time. As far as you were concerned, there was no option to upgrade at all. Only to buy a new version and to run a clean install or to install Linux. How did you imagine to install this new version if you understood that your laptop was 'incompatible' with Windows 11? Stop this charade. You are making yourself look increasingly foolish.
  15. This is actually quite pitiful. USB-C, SSD and memory cards weren't existing two years ago? You are obviously desperately looking for an angle to justify your behaviour. USB-C is simply a connector type, from 2014. SSD are from the '50s. PCIe SSD from 2007 So all of your assertions are totally erroneous. It's actually quite sad, the way you are behaving. Really just making a fool of yourself. Again, why ask people on the options they would take and then proceed to abuse them and argue with their choices?
  16. Actually you asked: and when we told you that we would just install 23H2 or 24H2 as normal, you freaked out and started with the abuse 😊 Why would you do that if you ASKED people what they would do? Seems nutty, doesn't it? Now you are ranting about CHEATING, whilst ignoring the fact that Microsoft provided the Registry workaround. How do you explain that? Microsoft cheating themselves? 😊 Sometimes it's better to use your intelligence, rather than to just react emotionally without it.
  17. The food is but one aspect. Restaurants crowded with Chinese tourists are not my idea of romance.
  18. Ditto. Would it be your choice for Valentines Day? Even if you had a sea view, it would be marred by traffic, coconut ghosts and their supporters together with the general sleaze all around that area. Bars. Bar girls. It's not something for a special occasion. Contrast that with sitting in smaller more private dining areas, surrounded by nature with unadulterated sea views overlooking Hu Kwang Bay. To that end, if the OP chooses C&C, he should definitely visit beforehand to take a look in order to reserve the table he likes the best. If he hasn't been before, I think he too will be impressed by the nature, seating arrangements, views etc Not knocking any of the suggestions for good food. But we are talking about Valentine's Day, so some nice surroundings are important to set the scene.
  19. Yes, likely Thai tourists. But it's also...the surroundings. Would be a hard no from me. If you were suggesting the northern parts of Beach road, then perhaps. But the southern part for Valentine's Day? Sleazy, dirty, noisy and not romantic at all.
  20. Seriously? Beach road?
  21. He is a man. It's Valentines Day. He decides. If it's impressive and Cabbages & Condoms fits that bill, she will be happy with the photo opportunities. The food on the table thing is old news and nothing to do with romance. Valentines Day is about romance. So it's up to him to create the scene. In addition C&C has rabbits, birds etc and nice grounds, together with being by the sea. Compare that to sitting under a tin roof at the beach or sitting under aircon at the Hilton(sitting uncomfortably because she feels out of place there). For me, C&C fits the bill for a pleasant afternoon/evening. Plus more choice of starters and desserts. Seafood places are really bulk standard other than the fresh seafood. He can take her to a food on the table place another day. It's not like he's only going to see her once 😊
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