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Everything posted by YaiJung

  1. I'm still looking for that little slice of paradise with the "No British Allowed Here" sign
  2. I was just in Pattaya with my family. Any smell of weed is an improvement on the general sewage/garbage odor that hangs over the entire place. Don't get me wrong, I love Pattaya/Jomtien, but complaining about cannabis smell in a stinky place like Pattaya...doesn't get much more "Karen" than that. And to anyone suggesting vaping...you must not be a medicinal user. The high from vaping is garbage no matter how much you spend on the latest device. Maybe dabbing(vaping) hash rosin isn't so bad, but presently illegal here. Anxiety ridden unpleasant shadow of a high is all I get from dry herb vaping. Edibles are a ridiculous solution as well. OP needs to move, his condo is full of Pattaya Karens..a special breed!
  3. As soon as Yingluck is back and Taksin has been milked a bit more the military can proceed with the next coup and get this national embarrassment off the front pages of newspapers.
  4. One look at the comments on this website should be enough to keep the Thais from ever giving westerners citizenship. I for one am glad my fellow countrymen are not allowed full rights here.
  5. This whole thing is so embarrassing for Thailand. Daddy's little girl got installed as PM. Her qualifications are helping to manage a family hotel. The Shinawatras have zero shame, although I guess we already knew that.
  6. According to the new draft of the cannabis bill that's in the news today, no more home growing. Back to expensive, pesticide riddled, <deleted>ty commercial weed. My lungs have been so much better since I started growing my own. Greedy bastards.
  7. Imagine if her dad suddenly drops dead or something. She will be completely lost. The entire family is <deleted> without the old man. Nobody in that family besides him is capable of running the show. That's the good news I guess. Only a few more years of these <deleted> and then when the old man is finished it will be over for the shinawatras in politics.
  8. More anti-cannabis fear-mongering. No way this was just weed. People suck so much.
  9. you should be fine. a friend was blacklisted for 2 yrs, came right back no problem, without talking to a lawyer or anything I will add. same guy got blacklisted again and for 5 yrs the second time. some people never learn. his 5 yrs has now expired and he is planning on coming back again sometime this yr. pretty sure when he left last time they told him, "see you in five years" if they wanted you blacklisted for life that is what you would have gotten, not just ten years. enjoy your trip!
  10. Good lord! She would be selling phones at the mall if it wasn't for her dad. You have to be kidding me!
  11. Not a surprise this comes out of Louisiana, one of the most <deleted> up backwards states, full of inbred christians. Not hard to see what states will follow. Anybody who has been around America much will know the IQ level drops and meanness levels spike as you go south/southeast. I'm sure they will be all for this down in smokey holler if they can pull themselves away from chasing cousins.
  12. YaiJung


    BMI doesn't apply once you exceed average heights. I am also 195 and have been 105kg of solid muscle. Now 15 yrs later, 195 and 93kg with a small amount belly flab and not much muscle. If Iose anymore I will look like a tweaker. Some tall people are twigs with long legs, others are big boned with long torsos. Too many factors for BMI to mean anything.
  13. Forget about moving back to the US. It has been too long. You are already in a best case situation. From your comments it is clear, and don't take this the wrong way, that you are completely out of touch. Moving back there at this point in your life will be a horribly rude wake up call. And likely a one-way trip, as it is for countless others in your position who made the move back to their home country. The finality of that is hard to comprehend for many people until they have done it and then it's too late. I was just recently in the states for one year and believe me it is not the same place you remember. You don't have anywhere near enough money to live there, it is insanely expensive and getting worse by the day. As an elderly gentleman, you will be invisible, trying to talk to anyone who isn't old will be like pulling teeth. Developing a social life will be no easy task, especially in the places you might afford. I don't know why you are fixated on the southeast, but imo that is probably the worst possible place for an elderly gay gentleman to move. If you can somehow get over you aversion to the cold, there are a lot of good and cheap places to live in the upper midwest. Minnesota is a blue state that is very accepting of lgbt people, has great social support programs and plenty of cheap housing outside the twin cities. It's always a trade-off in America, cheap warm places attract the bottom of the barrel types like flies to <deleted>. Buck up, get some warm clothes from costco for a few bucks..you can have your cake and eat it too, with cheaper housing and better quality of life. Always better value to be found in colder locations in America. Changing seasons isn't the end of the world...always something to look forward to right around the corner. Otherwise for warm and cheap...we had amazing Khao Mun Gai in Oklahoma City while driving through. Thai guy makes it just like in Thailand. Oklahoma struck me as a place I could live if I was broke and had to choose from D-list locations. Also, they have the cheapest medical cannabis in the country..dispensaries on every corner it seemed like.
  14. This government wants cheaper, more freely available alcohol and legalized casinos for all the drunks to gamble away their families futures, but cannabis is the devil. wtf!? earlier this year we had news articles crying about how booze sales were down. should have been celebrating in the streets, instead they want to ban weed. when I am stoned I have zero desire to drink. in my experience weed is actually the opposite of a gateway drug, most people when get really stoned are definitely not looking for anything harder to add to the mix. A full blown weed induced anxiety attack is completely harmless, but will scare kids off harder stuff for life. this whole thing is bs and designed to get the price up and profits in the hands of only a few.
  15. Why does everybody seem to believe the tuktuk driver. Like they never lie and cheat tourists. I used to live in Phuket and was constantly being shortchanged around the island. Something that doesn't really happen elsewhere in Thailand for some strange reason. In Phuket you have to say the denomination as you hand it over, making sure it is clearly understood, then stand and count your change right in front of them. Never, ever put the change in your pocket without checking. 9 time out of 10, they will just reach back under the counter and hand you your correct change without a fuss. The more emboldened ones, such as tuktuk drivers, will put up a fuss because they know where they stand on the island....they have been pulling this bull<deleted> since tourists have been going there. Doesn't make attacking him very clever or right, but I can understand the urge when they pull this nonsense.
  16. It's pretty clear at this point. To them high quality = Asian. They, the people in charge, don't like to see white faces tainting the scenery. Been listening to this talk from the people in charge for decades. Now that Taksin is back brace yourself for more racism and nationalism. He is the original farang hater.
  17. What a <deleted> nightmare, letting those people in. Last time I was in Europe I was shocked at the amount of Arabs hanging around on street corners. Quite an uncomfortable atmosphere at times. Not exactly a friendly bunch. Very grateful we have Hispanics instead of Muslims in the US, although the Muslim population is growing. I don't get all the hate around letting our neighbors from the south in. They are good, honest, hard-working people who have enriched our country, unlike these lowlife terrorists and terrorist wannabes who have who have swamped the UK and EU. All one has to do is spend 24 hrs in the EU to see what a nightmare it has become. Those <deleted> aren't going home either. Good luck with them.
  18. What app is that? When I go to the chiang mai immigration website and try to book for marriage there is no option. Tried last monday and just now again. No option for marriage ext appointment.
  19. I don't know if anyone has mentioned them already, but I've been buying from Stoned Kitty Bud Shop for quite a while now. He has really nice organic greenhouse (also some indoor mixed in for same price) for 50 baht per gram if over 28g or 60 per gram for smaller orders. Takes 48 hrs to Chiang Mai from where they are located outside Khon Kaen. They have a bunch of strains, plenty of heavy hitters. Planet of the Grapes, when in stock, is a must for nerve pain. I also like Deep Fried Oreoz, hits me similar to a strong Blueberry, if any of you know what I mean.
  20. Surly Russians, surly locals. Match made in heaven. They can have it. I am glad we moved north. No beach, no ruskies.
  21. After a lifetime of disappointment with chinese products, I am very hesitant to buy a chinese ev, in fact I won't. Just got burned at mr diy the other day. Buy chinese, buy twice...or even three times. Nothing against the chinese personally, but they aren't exactly known for putting quality first. Imo, they never, ever pass any value on to the customer. Every single corner will have been cut and any "deal" you think you might be getting is sure to show its true colors down the road, with disappointment, regret, annoyance, and in the case of cars maybe even safety issues. Chinese business practice = if the customer isn't pissed off, kicking and screaming, feeling like they got screwed, then they(the chinese) didn't do their job and left money on the table. Also, really have to question the logic behind putting huge glass sunroofs on any car, much less an ev in a tropical country like Thailand. Are they cool on hot days? Is there any Thai person who wants to get sun in their face while they are driving? The thought of sitting in traffic in bright sunlight with my head heating up while getting cold air blasted on me sounds absolutely nauseating. Noticed the Teslas are the same. Imagine the aircon uses a lot of battery to fight against the blasting midday heat in Thailand. Can't be good for the range. Not sure what they are thinking with this design other than add more gimmicky stuff to jack the price up. I'm looking forward to buying an ev, but it's still a few years away for me.
  22. This route is the way to go. Avoid all the traffic around Bangkok. Enjoy the quiet nice roads through farm country. We went down to south this way last time and I won't be going the other way through Bangkok again. We seem to stop in Nakhon Sawan every time we head south from Chiang Mai. Easy town for one night. Good burger at a place called Yolk in NS.
  23. Not sure how many BTU, but I think it cost about 10-12k baht...a room that size doesn't need a huge unit. Sorry I can't be of more help on that end. Main thing I took away from the experience is to stick with mitsubishi or diahatsu. I find the aircon salesmen usually push units that are on the large side. Too big and it will be like a jet engine in the room and dry you out as well. My advice is to go smallish for a room that size. For air filtering, you are probably better off buying a dedicated air purifier for around 3k baht. they work better at cleaning the air and filters are relative cheap to replace. Cuts down on aircon servicing a bit I have noticed as the room doesn't get as dusty.
  24. Only mitsubishi or diahatsu if you are concerned about noise. The cheap chinese compressors they sell with the units that are a couple thousand baht less tend to rattle and sound like they are about to fall apart...they can be extremely loud and there is nothing that can be done according to my aircon guy. He was out a few times installing rubber washers etc trying to quiet ours down to no avail. Landlord coughed up for a new mitsubishi and it purrs like a kitten.
  25. Dr. Surat has a clinic called ChivaCare just around the corner from Sriphat Hospital. It will be easier to find him there. Give them call or drop by in the evenings. https://maps.app.goo.gl/fjzAz67LfN9YzgEA9
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