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Asean Tiger

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  1. Donald Trump to ban Bhutanese rom entering U.S; citizens in Buddhist nation in shock as reasons not clear https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/us/donald-trump-to-ban-people-from-bhutan-touted-as-one-of-the-happiest-countries-in-the-world-from-entering-u-s-citizens-in-buddhist-nation-in-shock-as-reasons-not-clear/articleshow/119051670.cms Very strange news.
  2. I own condo one and have the Yellow book for it in my name I am looking for Condo two in a completely different location Then I will rent out condo one or sell it. I can rent it easy but might be hard to sell, old building Do I have to give the Yellow book of condo one to a purchaser of Condo one even if it is a Thai Person?
  3. Thank you. I have the blue book from this condo. The previous owner was a Thai lady
  4. If I sell my condo and move residence to a new condo I buy can I change the address in Yellow book or do I need a new one? Same amphure
  5. Quite abhorrent behavior by the tourists. But the antisemitic perceptions revealed here are appalling.
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