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Everything posted by hotsun

  1. Seems the left is trying to compensate for the forcing of covid vaccines on people who didnt want them. Not surprised at the rise of anti vaxxers
  2. Europe really needs to focus on themselves. They are protesting the middle east while they ignore that they are becoming the new middle east
  3. AI cant be worse than humans. Let em have at it
  4. Pattayas oceans are filled with trash. Nobody uses them but if you go in the water youll probably step on a plastic bag
  5. Last vacation we were in a condo in bangkok that was peaceful. When i find those types of places i just keep going back every time because i know how random things are in the country as far as accommodation
  6. Whenever im in thailand im sure to buy extra large condoms and wink at the cashier girl. If id do it in the west id be arrested
  7. If i lived in Thailand for a while without any problems then i could understand but i switch back and forth and, the average skill level of the two countries isnt comparable
  8. I got more back on my tax return than last year, all that counts to me
  9. Not many posting on this. I suppose 17 dead on the road is just normal here
  10. Life is too short and thailand is not a place to be taken seriously. Worry less and embrace your fate
  11. First you said it didnt make sense and now you say its too simple. Maybe the only thing you understand is lies
  12. Ill try to dumb it down for you next time
  13. Just the plane and train for me. Alot less likely for them to screw those up
  14. It would be desirable for native british. They would leave en masse
  15. His time back in the UK will be similar to an inmate getting out of jail whose been institutionalized
  16. I actually dont know. The 2024 election was the first time voting for me, probably the last too
  17. I dont get the hooker thing. Ive never tried it and i know its not for me. Theres no challenge, whats the point?
  18. It seems the leftists would rather click sad and confused emojis rather than post. Cowards
  19. Would be nice to know if the guy got jail time
  20. Some are just loyal to their party, like my dad. Once he became a US citizen he registered democrat and never changed no matter how bad things got
  21. I think of myself as progressive, id rather things progress rather than stay the same or go back to the way things used to be. But todays progressive seems to want the west to “progress” into third world countries. Do any of you know any sane leftists? I think if they loved their countries they wouldnt be leftist
  22. I guess you arent counting the BBC, what most Europeans get their info from
  23. Soon Europe will not be afforded to support anyone. They will be a part of the war
  24. Anywhere with clean air would make somewhere good to live year round. Doesnt exist anymore in thailand
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