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Everything posted by hotsun

  1. He was a frequent customer too? Moron
  2. Depends if Thailand still wants to join BRICS after trumps threat. If he wants he can crash their economy, and youd be affected
  3. True, id be happier if this super bowl didnt happen
  4. Only thing left for trump is to put tariffs on thailand, make the posters here a little less smug
  5. If he wanted to pull a Duterte and allow Americans to kill drug dealers i would support that. Or even better maybe dont allow the criminals from south america to pour into the country. Your post is just to blame Americans, not helpful in the slightest
  6. If she accomplished anything meaningful she wouldnt need to tell us
  7. Maybe you dont live there, and dont know how many criminals that the Biden administration allowed into the country
  8. Ill never understand the way they drive though, i just let a taxi driver handle it
  9. Most thai people voted for Pita though, and now everyone knows their votes dont count
  10. About time too. That guy couldnt read the room for so long already
  11. Thats because trudeau has been a very bad boy. And he knows it
  12. A refreshing change from the usual story of thai people doing the wrong thing
  13. Hes punishing the countries that have been taking advantage of the US, which is everyone basically
  14. Wonder what the future will be like for dirty farang once hes in charge
  15. Less people, less tourists might make thailand a paradise again in the future. One can only hope
  16. There will be hell to pay for this part of the world that sets their countries ablaze, if you believe in an almighty creator of this planet
  17. You sound smug. With a flick of his pen Trump can make your life in Thailand alot worse
  18. I saw a video of a truck backing into a pedestrian there, crushing him. Some other folk see it and continue walking like nothing happened. Nobody needed to tell me the problem with China, just found it on the internet
  19. Looks like cambodia is literally torching their country
  20. Europe is letting these people into their countries. Strange times
  21. There certainly is a correlation to the content of this topic and the lack of left leaning posters to comment on it
  22. well thank god his penis is ok. Those are the types of details that makes good reporting, great reporting
  23. I moved to Thailand to cheer for the destruction of the west, while complaining here why Thailand isnt more like my home country
  24. No chance of this happening if it prevents the government from getting their cut
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