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Everything posted by JJ-Thailand

  1. To file or not to file has nothing to do with if your personal allowances are greater than your income. It only means that you don't have to pay tax, but you may still have to file, which depends on how many days you have been in Thailand in one calendar year AND the size of your assessable income.
  2. There was a similar story with a half-finished monster building on Patong beach in Phuket many years ago. I don't know how that fiasco ended as I never went back. More money but in other pockets?
  3. I was contacted by a broker that recommended Regency Assurance, he said that they were likely to accept my application but exclude my pre-existing conditions.
  4. The same happened to me regarding dividends sent over to Thailand (tax already paid in US). They said that their forms have not yet been updated to include tax credit and told me not to bother if I had already paid tax somewhere else. Maybe next year.
  5. The forms have not yet been updated. A lot of stuff is missing, maybe next year.
  6. How about an offshore company registered in Hong Kong and a DTV in Thailand?
  7. How about visiting a large private Thai hospital, they'll find out what's wrong.
  8. A white foreigner in Thailand calls another white foreigner for "Farang" is the same as when a black US guy call another black US guy for "Ni***r".
  9. This government never fail to surprise me.
  10. Don't forget to file your tax return and possibly also pay tax on the amount sent over.
  11. I will file my tax return but have selected the source and amount sent over so there will be no tax, ever. 😂😂😂
  12. You can apply anytime. I always apply for my visa extension and re-entry permit simultaneously.
  13. Be aware that your visa extension will expire in July 2026, the same date as your passport. Make sure to have a new passport ready before July so you can move the stamps from the old passport to the new and make a new extension. If you overstay because you are not ready with a new passport you will be deported, no mercy.
  14. First he wants to digitalize everything, then he is screwing up the visa system and tax the foreigners before moving the capital. Why screwing up a nice and pleasant country?
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