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Everything posted by Robert_Smith

  1. but they are in thailand, teaching many thai kids. aren't the powers that be afraid that these thais will one day wake up to all their BS? regards, bob.
  2. ....You think rote learning is good?? regards, bob.
  3. And why do you think this would this be the case? And why is it not the same in international schools? Regards, Bob
  4. That is a compelling suggestion indeed! Regards, Bob.
  5. A friend of mine works in one of the provinces as an english teacher, earning 25,000 baht a month (sad, I know...) anyhow, he is forever complaining that the students never ask him any questions. there is never any dialogue, they just copy whatever he writes down on the board and when he attempts to get them to ask questions and create some form of dialogue, the Thai teachers say this is wrong and is not acceptable in Thailand. Any thoughts? regards, bob.
  6. Because I am a sadist. regards, bob.
  7. Thailand will never catch up to the west in terms of economic/social development. They can't even get democracy right! Anyone who thinks that they will eventually be on par with the west in any way, shape or form is dreaming.. Just take a look at their public education system.. Appalling. regards, bob.
  8. Well it looks like the polls have spoken! The vast majority believe that Thailand will forever remain third world/underdeveloped/whatever adjective you would like to use... I think a lot of it has to do with education and the fact that Thais never like to admit when they are wrong, nor look inward ad the problems they are facing. They would rather just carry on regardless, eating som tum and singing sabai sabai all day long.... regards, bob.
  9. Thailand can only dream of what Singapore has achieved. They are not even in the same league. Not by a country mile. regards, bob.
  10. ....I wouldn't mind contributing my genes over there. those white skinned beauties make a man weak at the knees! regards, bob.
  11. ...or why doesn't Thailand try looking inward for once at all their obvious faults and try to better themselves and their nation? Could be a good starting point... regards, bob.
  12. How about Japan? The USA? Germany? All seem to be doing just fine with large populations and some of the best infrastructure/educational institutions in the world. Now go on, tell me about the US homelessness and drug issues.. regards, bob.
  13. They need someone like this. Lee Kuan Yew would have dragged Thailand kicking and screaming and turned it into an efficient, economic powerhouse.
  14. Pure laziness comes to mind. Tourism = easy money. regards, bob.
  15. I bet it was better then, more fun and the people were friendlier! regards, bob.
  16. ffs thailand, stop talking about it and just get on with it for gods sake! regards, bob.
  17. bring it on, moo ping. time to get your ar$e nuked!! regards, bob.
  18. Why is it stupid? Thailand isn't developing well at all in most of the critical areas. In fact on could argue that it is actually going backwards! regards, bob.
  19. ...I offer nothing BUT sensible statements! regards, bob.
  20. Fantastic reply, fred. well done! regards, bob.
  21. ...he does it all the time. regards, bob.
  22. ...you could've fooled me! regards, bob.
  23. To my mind, after decades of living here I see nothing has moved on/improved. Thais still behave like ignorant, arrogant, petulant children. They are brainwashed to the max. The school system is a joke. Healthcare is OK (only if you have money) The wages are a laughing stock. Pollution is a disgrace. The pavements are a dangerous joke, with more holes than a dry sponge.. The locals seem totally oblivious to what's is going on in the outside world, what's more important is whether it's moo ping or som tum for lunch... The government and constant change in leadership is a joke. The police are on the take 24/7 and driving standards are absolutely abysmal. Did I miss anything? Feel free to add your thoughts/comments. regards, bob.
  24. If I had no balls i wouldn't complain and send it back would I you numpty. Bob.
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