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Everything posted by Robert_Smith

  1. ...Can you tie your own shoelaces yet, Nigel? regards, Bob.
  2. ....Jesus. Can they ever get anything right?? regards, Bob.
  3. Who are you? I'm Bob Smith. I Was here long before you were... Get a grip of yourself, Kid. regards, Bob.
  4. Me you fool! But this difference between me and chumpsy is that I don't use AI to write my posts.... regards, bob.
  5. They all from this imposter! regards, Bob.
  6. My ar$e! regards, Bob.
  7. Nothing. Even the slower lifestyle grinds my gears. regards, Bob.
  8. I remember those days well! Africa is where all the action is at at these days... Regards, Bob.
  9. Good! Hopefully the hyenas will go back to work on their uncles farm where they belong! Uneducated slappers. regards, Bob.
  10. Totally agree. They spend more time eating/nattering than they do working! regards, Bob.
  11. They are brainwashed, plain and simple. Ask any Thai who has lived abroad, especially the youth, for an extended period and they will tell you the same thing. That thais, especially the older generation, are forced into loving their country. Regards, Bob.
  12. Brainwashing propaganda doesn't impress me... Does it impress you? Regards, Bob.
  13. Kick the lot of them out. I'm sick of these 2 week millionaires wrecking the place. Regards, Bob.
  14. LB's know what they are doing, and can go for hours, especially after smoking a little something... it's fun regards, Bob.
  15. There's only one place in the world that I have seen people drive worse than the thais and that was in Kinshasa, Congo regards, Bob.
  16. They also choke us to death half of the year with their archaic slash and burn... This needs to change. regards, Bob.
  17. ....Ever been to Japan? And why is it that Thailand is still stuck in the middle income trap? Could it be that the workforce here are just bone idle?? regards, Bob.
  18. Do you think the LGBTQ values should be taught to children? I mean, I love sucking a sausage as much as the next bloke but come on... regards, Bob.
  19. Some Thai's are the laziest workers I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. It's all about sabai sabai and mai pen ri.. That kind of attitude is a net negative on productivity when extrapolated annually. regards, Bob.
  20. You mean the annual river polluting event? is that what you are on about? regards, Bob.
  21. What exactly is it that Thai people are so proud about? I hear this all the time, that Thai's are incredibly proud people, but beyond never being colonized by a western power (which was actually orchestrated by the west), I struggle to see what they are so proud of.. Is it the pollution? The lack of real democracy? The constant flip-flopping between 'civilian governments' and military dictatorships? The traffic? The inadequate infrastructure? The corruption? The prostitution? The constant low rankings in English proficiency? The dreadful national education system? The inconsistent application of the rule of law? The lack of free speech? The low salaries and long working hours? I mean, what is it exactly, apart from never being colonized by the west, that Thai people so proud about? regards, Bob.
  22. And what is so good about yours? Why not move to Bhutan, you might be more at home there.. Regards, Bob.
  23. Marriage? No. A bit of reciprocal sucky sucky, maybe.. Regards, Bob.
  24. Hows about moving away from mass tourism and become self sufficient/reliant - thus keeping these pedo sex pests, like the two in question, out... Just an early morning thought. Regards, Bob.
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