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Everything posted by Robert_Smith

  1. Religion - what a load of hogwash! Regards, Bob.
  2. What an effed up country. The fact that we are even talking about these kinds of things is testament to that.. Regards, Bob.
  3. bit musky as i've had the $hits for the past few days.. regards, bob.
  4. given the time of night, is that where you are just coming home from? how's your ar$e feeling right now?? regards, bob.
  5. I'm up. are you up? regards, bob.
  6. I'm up for the football at 3am.. fell asleep around 8 and will hopefully get 3 more hours at 5am. anyway, if you are up at this time and in Thailand - what are you doing exactly? regards, bob.
  7. Face is without a doubt the worst facet of Thai culture. When an adult cannot admit that they are wrong and apologize, then they are nothing but mere children. regards, bob.
  8. Hope you get a nice dose of food poisoning soon, so you know exactly what I am talking about bruv/chumps.... regards, bob.
  9. you're lucky. this kind of thing usually happens to me about 3 or 4 times a year. regards, bob.
  10. For me it is a resounding yes. Countless times i've ordered thai food not spicy, then too spicy, steaks medium well, then raw, burgers cooked well done, then raw in the middle. curries not spicy, blew my firggin head off. beer with no ice, comes in a glass filled with ice. pizza with no pineapple, theres pineapple all over the shop. the worst and most dangerous is under-cooked chicken. many times ive sent chicken back that was still pink inside, that is extremely dangerous and could actually kill someone. time to up your game, thailand. get your bleedin act together! regards, bob.
  11. I've also heard this and it's downright disgusting. People say thai's are compassionate and caring??? to that I say, MY AR$E! regards, bob.
  12. International airports for departing passengers. Licensed tourist area venues. Hotels under the Hotel Act. Approved venues hosting major events. Well at least we can all meet up and get hammered in a hotel, eh lads?? anyone any ideas which one we should go? I'm up for it! regards, bob.
  13. Ahhh, the annual water wasting ceremony, then 2 weeks later complaints start rolling in about droughts all over the country... It's a stupid custom and should be banned. Regards, Bob.
  14. ...and yet here you are, leaving a comment. were you born confused?.. regards, bob.
  15. absolutely ridiculous reply. regards, bob.
  16. It's an absolute disgrace. Children cross these roads, and are expected to do so in safety when the green man shines bright. But then some ignorant <deleted> blazes through, probably on his phone, whilst the little child is in a state of bewilderment. this country has far too many flaws that need to be addressed! regards, bob.
  17. I'm sick to death of seeing it. the lights are on red, families, children are about to cross the road as the green man appears, then all of a sudden some ignoramus steams through on his motorbike or pickup truck. Thais have got to be among the most inconsiderate people in the world when it comes to driving. regards, bob.
  18. what a complete and utter dingbat! there's one born every minute.. regards, bob.
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