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Everything posted by Robert_Smith

  1. Send her direct payments each month of 100,000 baht. Set it up as a direct debit. Also, buy her whatever she asks for, handbags, jewelry, buffalo, pay her grandmothers hospital bills etc.. This is how it works in Thailand and this is what a man must do in order to survive here. honest....... regards, bob.
  2. The stupidity of Thai people in high places knows absolutely no bounds. How thick can you get? regards, bob.
  3. Thai people just love to make up work for works sake... Jobs for the boys in the brown suits innit! regards, bob.
  4. I'm a shark, alfred. I eat all the fish. Get it? regards, bob.
  5. ...how can you be at ease with a world that is so full of un-ease?? bob.
  6. You're just as daft as he is then! you aren't an aussie too, are you? bob.
  7. charming fella. looks just like your typical pattaya frequenter. regards, bob.
  8. I'm successful and have a very big willy, but I'm still never happy. regards, bob.
  9. no, she was at her families house the other night. I was home alone with 4 hot chicks and a bag of something that rhymes with weed... regards, bob.
  10. to see mrs smith and spend her money. bob.
  11. ....is all you ever do is spew nonsense, 24/7? bob.
  12. you said you don't pay your wife anything, yet you give her 30,000 a month allowance? just out of curiosity, who paid for the land, house and car? regards, bob.
  13. That would be like heaven for me. regards, bob.
  14. I'd rather die in a warm mansion, dressed in an armani suit, surrounded by gorgeous chicks than homeless, cold & alone on the street... regards, bob.
  15. My endgame is to reach my full potential and keep on pushing for more. More knowledge, more money, more women and more life experiences. regards, bob.
  16. I agree. But they are rich. They can have anything they want. I think that's the tradeoff. regards, bob.
  17. For me, I am constantly striving for more. I'm never happy with what I have, my current situation, how many women I have or how much I have in the bank. I always want more.. This, I feel, is the key to success. We only get what we will settle for. If I didn't have this mindset, coming from a relatively poor family with limited opportunities - I would probably have ended up being a cleaner in Mcdonalds. Sure, I may be content, but I would still be a cleaner in Mcdonalds... regards, bob.
  18. Typical Thai slapper. regards, bob.
  19. why are you replying to it then? bob.
  20. you defended me by telling people to ignore me?? what kind of logic is that??? bob.
  21. That's the core problem with you leftist nutters, isn't it? It's all about controlling the narrative to suit your ultra thin skin. Never about actually listening to/hearing the truth. Bob.
  22. Why should you help them? They are adults. Let them help themselves. Bob.
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